Campbell Brown writes an excellent article in the NY Times Sunday edition – “Obama: Stop Condescending to Women”
In the article, she notes that Pres Obama is trying to court women voters (especially college age) by suggesting that abortion and free contraceptive rights are highly important to all women. What does Brown think of the Life of Julia ads?
“Mr. Obama’s Web ad, “The Life of Julia,” a silly and embarrassing caricature based on the assumption that women look to government at every meaningful phase of their lives for help.”
Brown states that her female friends who are unemployed are looking first to family and friends for assistance and they “wouldn’t have it any other way.”
What concerns women, especially young college grad women? Jobs. Economy. Being able to have a fair shake and opportunity. They don’t want to have Pres Obama condescend to them with a bunch of gibberish that means little to them. He risks insulting their intelligence when he claims that all women are smarter than men.
She notes: “It’s all so tired, the kind of fake praise showered upon those one views as easy to impress.”
Sadly, I see this coming from many politicians, more often from the left. They will gladly spend billions of dollars on a program that shows little or no real change for the better, but because they’ve spent the money, they feel better about themselves. We see this in education (how they fight opening schools up to market forces), balancing the budget without touching Medicare and other holy and sacred untouchable programs, and offering bribes to the American people and each other so they can get reelected.
Pres Obama (and Congress), quit talking down to women. And while you are at it, quit talking down to the rest of us as well!