The Millennial Star

Who knows?

You know how how there are rumors occasionally flying of some letter from the First Presidency that some people say their bishops and stake presidents have said exists or reads to them, and others say their bishops or stake presidents have confirmed that no such letter exists? I’m in the middle of that right now, but it’s not for anything that important. However, I must know! I must! (Even though it changes nothing.)

So does anyone know if there is a letter from the First Presidency that says that it is up to the discretion of the respective stake presidents whether to have the full 3-hour block on Christmas Eve day? I have some friends and family who say there is such a letter, and their wards are indeed only having sacrament meeting. I have some other friends who are quite certain that no such letter exists, and their wards are having the full block, not because their stake president decided to do it that way, but because no letter exists.

(My ward is having the full 3-hours of meetings.)

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