Regular visitors to M* will have noticed lately that we were out of service for several days last week. In addition, there was a time that we considered shutting down the site for several reasons. Since then, we have gotten some additional technical support and another permablogger. We will be attempting to move to a new server. So, service may continue to be spotty.
Here is the bottom line: we are trying to keep M* going. We are optimistic we will be able to for the next few months. Keep on signing on to see how things progress.
I would be bereft if you guys closed down. You are my first friends on the bloggernacle. I have had trouble commenting, but I check in here regularly and I hope you never go away. Good luck, and God bless.
Best of luck in your server moving project. I hope that you’ll be around for a long time to come, if that is what you want.
I certainly see good reasons for M* to continue and hope you guys will find the right core group. The blog started out ambitiously and I’d like to see it succeed.
BTW, any chance you guys could update your sidebar link to Blognitive Dissonance to be
I’d appreciate it. Thanks!
danithew, I changed the link. Thanks for the update.
And here I thought you’d all been struck by lightning for allowing a certain robot to post here.
Glad to see your return. Here’s hoping for a long continued and pleasant run.
Thanks Tanya.
My own blogging activity vacilitates from IRL needs. However, my life would be better with continuing M* in it. I hope you hang around, but in any case, thanks for past enrichments!
Geoff and Co. Hope you all decide to stick around. I’ve always enjoyed reading the material over here–even when I don’t necessarily agree.
Glad to see you guys will be around for awhile longer. I am disappointed to see how many people want to take pot shots at Mark Butler. Whatever people’s differences with him, he’s a good guy and doesn’t deserve the public scorn. Geoff B was a class act, as always, when he came up over at BCC.
I’m glad to hear you will still be around