The Millennial Star

We need a LOT more of this

Yes, I am talking to you, the COVID fanatics who pushed lockdowns and mandates and succumbed to fear throughout the pandemic. Some of you used to be writers for this blog.

One writer in the Atlantic famously called for an “amnesty” in response to all of the horrendous things Branch Covidians did to the rest of us during the pandemic.

I am a follower of the Prince of Peace, and I believe in forgiving those who made mistakes, but the first step is an apology. I am happy to report that I have received some private apologies in the last few weeks. But a lot more needs to be done. When the Republicans retake the House, and almost certainly the Senate, they need to investigate — in detail — how and why public health officials pushed a false narrative from March 2020 until recently. And a lot of my fellow Latter-day Saints need to look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves why they acted like tyrannical lunatics over a virus with a 99.7 percent survival rate.

Just a reminder of what you did: you prevented people from hugging each other for no reason:

You supported the police beating up innocent people who objected to the mandates.

You helped whip up the hysteria that resulted in this:

You supported the cruel masking and forced vaccination of children for no reason:

You shut down the schools for no reason and mocked parents who were concerned about their kids’ learning.

You closed down small businesses and went along with the corporatist plan that resulted in profits for giant companies at the expense of the middle class.

And of course you closed down churches while leaving strip clubs, liquor stores and pot dispensaries open.

Remember when Elder Bednar spoke out early in the pandemic on this issue?

So, yes, as followers of Jesus Christ, we will forgive. We must forgive. But a lot of people owe us apologies, at the very least to clear their own consciences and to help them not repeat the same mistake during the next worldwide hysteria.

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