Believe it or not, US families are doing better. Despite society’s relentless attempts to destroy the nuclear family, more kids are being raised with two parents than at any time since the 1990s. Here is the census data:

Surprising, right?
It turns out that the U.S. census bureau has an expansive view of what a “two parent family” is, often including step-parents and adoption. So, the Institute for Family Studies created a chart looking at how many kids are raised by their biological parents, and that number is also up.
It turns out that the percentage of U.S. children living with both birth parents is at 63.1 percent, compared to 61 percent in 2012.
Are more children being raised by two parents throughout their childhood compared to a decade ago? The answer is yes.
And when we look at the racial breakdown, there is a lot of good news.
Let’s hope these trends continue. Being raised by biological parents is the best arrangement for kids. Multiple studies have shown that kids raised by their biological parents do better emotionally, do better in school, are more prosperous economically and are less likely to be addicted to drugs or alcohol.
And it is always nice to find some good news amidst all of the negative trends in society these days.