The Millennial Star

Two State Solution?

Since 2008, we’ve seen Congress and pretty much everyone else fail at fixing the economy.  Much of this is directly due to gridlock in Congress and a president who is either unable or unwilling to direct anything.

Are we approaching the time when we need a two state solution?  Do we willingly divide the nation into two chunks, one liberal and the other conservative, allow people to move to which ever side they want to live in, divide the deficit in half, and then gradually over a few years make the physical separation?

Then, over a period of several years, we could see which side manages better. Would a European-like socialism be able to pay off its deficit and provide a decent lifestyle over a small government program that encourages more economic freedom?

I ask this due to historical precedent. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, we saw the once great empire break up into many little pieces. Some have excelled economically, while others still barely limp along.  It was the solution for the economic and moral collapse of the USSR’s empire.  Do we plan a division, or risk having it happen precipitously on its own, here in the United States.  And yes, we are an Empire, we are economically slowly collapsing, and we have divisions that do not seem surmountable.

Your thoughts on a planned division?  Your thoughts on whether can we remain one nation with the radical divisions we now have?

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