Trying to Explain the Donald Trump Support

Let me say on the outset that I am a Ted Cruz supporter, and for me Donald Trump is a careful consideration. Another point is that the only time I have ever talked about politics here is for obvious reasons when Romney ran. This break from personal protocal is because many of my fellow bloggers have expressed concerns about Donald Trump on outside venues or some comments. They are flabbergasted why such a man with such an “arrogant demeanor ” and “past RINO” views is liked by so many conservatives. Why is it that no matter what he says, criticism only seems to bolster his popularity for a large part of the Republican electorate. Part of their confusion and fear is because they can’t get past the man and look at the political context.

Some of what he says does have me concerned because he is not very articulate or perfect, but unlike George Bush Jr. he is not boring. For those who are calling Mr. Trump a RINO, they seem to ignore that every single candidate (even Cruz) has been accused of the same. There are degrees for sure, but none are immune from the label. Some like Bush and Kasich are seen as RINOS outright by supporting illegal immigration and common core. Others like Fiorina are seen as too lenient on Islam or supported the bailouts, Huckabee a welfare big government social conservative, Carson for questioning the Second Amendment and advocating some race carding of his own, Rubio for his flip flops especially with illegal immigration, and even Cruz for a vote that he later claimed he was tricked into a yes. Rand Paul doesn’t do so hot either, at times seen as going against his libertarian ideals and endorsing Mitch McConnell. So the voters look at them all and say “he who is without political sin . . . ”

Probably the number one reason Trump is in the lead is because of Jeb Bush. He was supposed to be the anointed one. Frankly, he still could be and that is what frightens so many more than Trump winning the nomination. Bush stands for everything that Trump does not: Career politician, establishment puppet, go-along to get-along weakling, and momentary media darling. Regardless of how much one might believe Trump is just as much a RINO, he is NOT part of the establishment no matter what conspiracy theories exist. Cruz should be the one in his place, but the media and GOP establishment poisoned his well long ago. Yes, even Rand Paul should have been the one in Trump’s place, but he played the game too close to the rules while acting the outsider. Trump became more than an outsider, but an outlaw! He is the middle finger for many who want to tell the GOP and others where to go.

Nothing says “We don’t want you,” more than the illegal immigration debate. The GOP establishment wonks hissed and pounded and moaned that we should welcome our illegal alien invaders. Push back was fierce, but not loud enough to get the point across. With one impolite accusation of how bad illegal aliens were, he got instant support. That support was sustained and increased when he did not apologize. Not that he was correctly quoted, because he did say there were also some good people among the bad crossing over. He just didn’t see the positives overcoming the absolutely bad negatives of non-enforcement just as many people believe. The GOP elites might not agree, but with a combined swell of support and swagger they could no longer ignore. He made an issue out of something people not in power had an issue with.

Then came the first debate that by all measures he didn’t win, yet in the end he did. Carson and Fiorina were considered the biggest winners according to pundits and polls. That didn’t matter because Trump won on individual moments. His biggest “gaffes” were actually not losses. His raising his hand against the promise of not running against a Republican he didn’t like had lots of boos in the crowed. Outside the room he was only voicing what many who call themselves Republican for political convenience also will consider. There is a growing number who, as observed in the 2012 presidential contest, will simply not vote for voting’s sake. They don’t see any difference between the current Party Politics with the choice of a slow drive over the cliff or a faster one. Another moment was taking Megyn Kelly to task for her “gotcha” question about women. His statement that America didn’t have time for Political Correctness struck a cord. She became just another establishment shrill media sensation that tries to shove politicians down American’s throats. He was open about using legal means to buy favors from politicians, because that is how the game was done. This should have killed him, but it only counted toward his honesty since its an open secret that all politicians are privy to participating. He says things with conviction and without fear that many are glad someone with his platform and bullhorn would.

Misinformation by the media and opponents is still a problem that won’t go away. As an example, a segment of conservatives thought they had him by the neck pointing out his support of Planned Parenthood. Those who were paying more attention noticed the much more nuanced opinion. He said that he would support them if they got out of the abortion business. Otherwise, they don’t deserve any funding. Trump continues to express other political positions that are sidelined by those who believe he only has one issue. He believes China is purposely devaluing the U.S. dollar while losing their own grip on financial security. The war on terrorism, and especially against ISIS, has gone soft. This leaves Christian minorities in the Middle East on the endangered list. Climate Change is a scam to destroy prosperity for many so a few can gain. “Gay marriage” is an individual State issue. He believes that veterans are getting ignored even by those, like McCain, who would seem to be natural advocates. He does say things questionable, like how proud he is for his pro-abortion bench judge relative. As pointed out above, no politician is perfect although some are closer than others.

Speaking of McCain, that is another whopper that many predicted would scuddle his hopes. Forget that he was quoting a comedian when Trump said he had more respect for soldiers who aren’t captured. Almost all the challengers spoke out against that, but they missed the point. He wasn’t attacking prisoners of war as a group. The ire was aimed at McCain who many think uses his “war hero” status as a way to deflect serious political acts of treason against conservatives. This “war hero” doesn’t even put his money or actions where his mouth is for veterans, ignoring them in times of need. Besides that, McCain didn’t just call Trump names. He is know for calling those who should be his voters crazy and stupid. Although Trump says nasty things to political opponents who are in the spotlight, he has never attacked a potential group of sympathetic voters. No matter how many of them have attacked him.

Perhaps none of this will persuade others to take a closer look, but hopefully it at least helps to explain why the support. Trump has not said and those who support him never claim he is a conservative. What they see in him is a very flawed Ronald Reagan type who will bring back the American spirit. It might end up a very loud and in your face spirit, but it will be alive. There is some doubt he can pull off what he promises to do, but at least he doesn’t apologize or look weak while making statements. To paraphrase “The Dark Knight,” he may not be the President we want, but he could be the one we need.

Again, I support Ted Cruz as a first choice because he holds most of the views that I do. The Donald is my tentative second because he has discombobulated the GOP establishment, media hacks on the left and right, talking head opinion spouters, and of course liberals. In the process only grown stronger. He has made enemies of those worth bothering while not getting bothered, and exposed rifts that otherwise would remain hidden by vote manipulators. He is NOT the status quo for the many that feel remaining on the same path while none speak for them, or speak too softly and carefully, has only caused America to decay. When you can’t trust your leaders then you will trust those who the leaders don’t trust. Only time will tell if Donald Trump for his many supporters is the wrong horse to bet on, but so many sure bets have been lost that a huge gamble doesn’t seem so bad. At least he has taken Jeb Bush and a few major RINOS down a few pegs while strangely giving more conservative challengers a fighting chance.

34 thoughts on “Trying to Explain the Donald Trump Support

  1. It is shameful for me to see so many thoughtful conservatives supporting Donald Trump. The man is all about himself, and does not seem to actually care about political, legal, or social issues. A few years ago he was. A democrat, now he claims to be a republican, next hear who knows? His arrogance is only matched by his ignorance and bluster. For me, that man is completely unqualified to be president.

    Yes, Jeb Bush is not perfect on every issue, but he has a superb record as a very qualified and conservative governor of a purple state. He isn’t my top choice (I like Rubio followed perhaps by Walker and Cruz), but he is head and shoulders better than Trump and far more conservative than Trump will ever be.

    Finally, I’d suggest that there is something profoundly not conservative about trumps demeanor and his attitude. Reagan won and revolutionized the nation because of his optimism and faith in true conservative values. He won because he truly believed in the greatness of America. Trumps message is a xenophobic one which screams of pessimism rather than hope. I sincerely hope that member of the party wake up and realize the harm Trump is doing to the conservative cause.

  2. I think its safe to say that we should be afraid of everyone that craves the power the president holds. I want the person who doesnt want the job to win, in fact I think the safest thing to do for us and all people of the world would be to just leave the office vacant.

  3. I’m not a Trump supporter. I wouldn’t vote for him in a primary. But I get his current appeal. Summers are dull for our content-starved 24/7 media, and Trump has made (and lost, and remade, etc.) his fortune by knowing how to market himself and close deals.

    He’s Alec Baldwin in Glengary Glenn Ross (in all the character’s profane, bombastic glory): coffee’s for Closers, and he’s used to having the pot to himself.

    I don’t know where this goes long term, once real votes are cast. But for now, in the silly season where the politics is nearly all theater, Trump is in his element. He’s Shatner – happy to star as his own gilded-boor caricature, as long as they spell his name right, photograph his good side, and continue shoveling coal into the altar of his ego. But as his lead holds, we’ll see whether he begins taking seriously the task of BEING President. He knows how to delegate, and he knows how to get results. If he shows concrete signs of thoughtful policy proposals in the months ahead, and pulls in advisors on both domestic and foreign policy who are even marginally better than the current administration’s, he’ll be formidable.

    Part of me would pay cash money to see him debate Biden.

  4. If you have spent any time in Latin America, it is easy to understand the Trump phenomenon. He is the classic Latin American caudillo (strongman). All slogans with no substance. But everybody sees him as “strong” with an ineffable ability to solve very complex problems. I would not be surprised if Trump won the nomination and chose Ted Cruz as his VP. Or Trump could get bored and drop out of the race next week.

    I used to think it mattered greatly who is president, but these days I think it is less important. The progressive establishment keeps on winning, and government keeps on getting bigger and more intrusive, no matter which politicians the people seem to choose. I would love to think that could change but I doubt it.

  5. Dan, it is shameful for me to see so many thoughtful conservatives supporting Jeb Bush. He is way too wrong on very important issues and I don’t see any difference between him and the most liberal Democrats. Of all the contestants, he actually frightens me. If he wins the primary I am not going to vote because it won’t make any difference to me if its him or a Democrat in office.

    “not conservative about trumps demeanor and his attitude.”

    Conservatism is not a demeanor or attitude, and the mood of the nation has changed drastically since Reagan. We were promised “hope and change” (not that I voted for him) by the current office holder, and all we got was frustration and a bad economy. Many believe that Trump truly believes in the greatness of America for the very reason that he isn’t acting nice like Boehner and McConnell who bend and geneflex to Obama and Democrat’s every wish and whim. People are “xenophobic” and pessimistic and lack any real hope; with Trump vocalizing that terror in a way that finally has people paying attention. They don’t want politics as usual with a smile, but a warrior who will battle the forces of evil that have invaded this country with a swift and powerful rhetorical sword. Doesn’t matter if a person was Democrat yesterday and Republican today since party affiliation is rather fluid anyway.

    “just leave the office vacant.”

    That is the only thing I agree with what you said. As for wanting to vote for someone who doesn’t want the office, that is a fantasy. Those who don’t want the office are not going to try to get the office. Some say that Romney really didn’t want the office and therefore never fought enough to get people to vote for him. I do agree that Trump is a bit too self-centered, but at this point in U.S. history it might be the only kind of personality that can change things (either for bad like Obama or for good).

    Jim W, you seem so far the only one who at least has an ounce of understanding. It is true that only the future will tell, but Trump’s “staying power” has been predicted every month to eventually fade away while his star keeps rising. Yes, I started out thinking he was a joke, but his words were my words and his anger was my anger. Cruz is much more articulate and level headed and for that he is my first choice, but I don’t know if he has the bombastic and warrior fight in him enough to survive the squishy Establishment GOP “who cares what you want” brand or agenda driven “gotcha” media. It isn’t about Trump’s check box conservatism, its not about who is better qualified, and its not about his loyalties. He is seen as the only hope to smash through the status quo and say exactly what is on the minds of the American people without apology or remorse. Sorry for this pop culture comparison, but they don’t want Superman, they want Batman.

  6. Geoff B, with the United States currently on the cusp of becoming a third world country, a strongman seems to be the only thing not tried yet. On the pessimistic side, it might be the natural progression of our slip into Marxist socialism. I for one want a no-holds-bar Republican who will not bend to every accusation or finger pointing by the media or opposition. I am far from the only one. Trump may or may not be conservative enough, but he is saying the right things and attacking the right people. At least he hasn’t shown himself to be a stick-in the mud push over like Jeb Bush.

  7. I have to jump in here against the idea that the United States is becoming somehow a “third world” country in a manner that is different from other countries:

    “the concept of the third world serves to identify countries that suffer from high infant mortality, low economic development, high levels of poverty, low utilization of natural resources, and heavy dependence on industrialized nations. These are the developing and technologically less advanced nations of Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Latin America. Third world nations tend to have economies dependent on the developed countries and are generally characterized as poor with unstable governments and having high rates of population growth, illiteracy, and disease. A key factor is the lack of a middle class — with impoverished millions in a vast lower economic class and a very small elite upper class controlling the country’s wealth and resources. Most third world nations also have a very large foreign debt.”

    While we may feel poor and as though there is high infant mortality, it is more that the United States can no longer expect to dominate the world stage in quite the unquestioned manner it enjoyed for the past century, since entering into World War I and then playing a dominant role in securing victory against the various fascists (Nazism having been defined by Roderick Stackelberg as “a radical variant of fascism”) in World War II.

    In a Pew Research study of the middle class published in August 2012, we can see why everyone, specifically the middle class, feel as though the ground is slipping out from under them. The section on Income Trends from Government Data show that across all income categories there has been a significant loss in buying power in the past decade, likely dominated by the 2008 crash. And yet the second chart in the set indicates that poverty has remained at a steady level, while the lost of percentage in middle income household has been due to an increase in higher income households.

    The reduction in buying power is due in significant measure to increases in the cost of food, which inconveniently is related to weather effects such as increased volatility in drought and flooding.

    We Mormons like to cite D&C 104:17 as though this is God’s guarantee that there will never be a shortage of resources, no matter how badly we manage our affairs:

    17 For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves.

    There is enough and to spare if the children of men are wise and just. If we are not wise and just, then there will be those who die because of lack, as is the case for the 50 million children each year who die because of lack of adequate clean water (in the “real” third world).

    Now back to your discussion of the various individuals who have chosen to put their hat in the ring for the 2016 presidential race.

  8. This is one of the rare times I agree with Geoff. I’ve been getting a strong man vibe from Trump and his supporters for a long time. I think I’ve spent more time than he’s worth talking about him, so I’ll just repeat what I said recently on Dan Peterson’s blog:

    Two of Trumps brownshirts stomped on a homeless man. Nothing says “passionate” and “great American” more than peeing in a homeless guy’s face: [link didn’t paste]

    I’m totally with Dan on this one. I’ve been getting a fascist strong man vibe from him and his supporters for quite awhile. But then again I thought he was a loud mouth buffoon before he made xenophobic comments about immigrants, despicable comments about McCain’s war record, utterly ridiculous comments about Megyn Kelly’s menstruation (while complaining about a question that wondered about his treatment of women no less), vacuous comments about border security that “made my head spin,” and vain boasts during the debate about how he abuses bankruptcy laws and buys politicians.

    I’m frustrated with the GOP leaders in Washington, the lack of progress on many issues, and political correctness. But I want serious and substantive discussion of these issues and I’m trying to find a good candidate that has a serious chance of delivering. I’m not looking for a bunch of hot air from a walking parody of a loud mouth New Yorker offering vague platitudes as he grunts and gesticulates in the direction of the problem and stokes the mob.

  9. To me Trump represents the clown laughing through his tears. I doubt he sees himself that way. The other day I saw a headline that the GOP leadership has decided to give up on opposing the Iran deal, just another no-show when they have majorities in both houses of Congress. I too favor Ted Cruz, but he is probably too sane to gain the presidency over the country that still seems to favor felons who favor Planned Parenthood.

  10. What Dan and Geoff said.

    I find it genuinely flabbergasting that anyone believes there is any possibility at all that Trump has the character required to be President.

  11. Trump aside, I think the Republicans have a pretty good bench this year and I’d be reasonably happy with any of them (except the man himself–he’s fun to watch; but I think (like McCain) he ultimately fails the D&C 98:10 test in that as a person he is neither honest, nor wise, nor good).

    Trump’s appeal, I think, is that lots of conservatives are just glad to see someone openly treating progressives with the same contempt they obviously have for us.

  12. What JimD’s last sentence stated. My question about Trump (and all candidates):
    What is her or his bona fides?
    What have they both personally and publicly said and DONE about fiscal policy, social policy, and defense (domestic and foreign) in accordance with the Constitution?

  13. I’ll be happy if Trump goes away and we can start talking about the real issues instead of “what Trump said” and his media feuds with the Barbie dolls on FOX news.

  14. I think we should also consider the possibility that there is a huge percentage of the population, perhaps even the silent majority, that is simply sick and tired of political correctness. And Trump jeers at the politically correct crowd, and there are a lot of people who like this. By the way, this is yet another personality trait of the Latin American strongman. They hate the elites and make fun of them, until they get into office and then they and their friends become the elites.

    I am not convinced Trump would be the absolute worst of all of the loser candidates out there. What we really need is a president who will cut spending, curtail the government spying and avoid all of the foreign wars, and we are unlikely to get that with any of the candidates who are likely to win. Would Trump be markedly worse than, say, Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton? Personally, I don’t think so — he might even be slightly better. It is wonderful to imagine a world where Rand Paul or Ted Cruz could get elected and actually cut spending, cut some federal departments and change our foreign and domestic policy. I fantasize about getting three new Supreme Court justices who have actually read the Constitution. But the realist in me says we are likely to get Biden or Clinton or Bush or Trump. Of all of those alternatives, I don’t think Trump would be the worst.

  15. Geoff, if Trump will do what I have heard him say he will do, then I can very much support him. Following what is going on I can even see a Trump and Cruz team that would make me happy. You seem to be the only one so far who gets what I am trying to say here; that his appeal is to those who are sick of it all! I am sick of it all and welcome his anti-social anti-politically correct lambasting. Republicans created him and yet won’t own up to it, making his popularity that much larger. However, I must admit that the level of dislike of him (even over Bush) here expressed gives the impression that Mormons generally don’t like him, although that has not been tested.

    There is still a point I have been trying to make that seems to have been missed or ignored. A criticism of Trump always seems to translate into a dislike of those who support him. They are not stupid about or ignorant of Trump’s past and positions. For example, stop doing something like associating one instance of two people who apparently beat up a homeless man who happened to later say Trump was right about illegals with Trump supporters in general. Many of his supporters are angry, but they are the same people who otherwise would support another candidate if there was a more decent strong personality (Cruz is learning). In fact, I have a sure way to minimize Trump; get rid of Bush and Christie fast as possible. Next, treat Trump supporters with respect and deal with their concerns without criticism for having them.

  16. One last point: six months ago, this campaign seemed like simply a game of anointing the next in line for the Dems and Republicans. Bush vs. Clinton seemed pretty much inevitable. When times are good, people can put up with candidates who promise more of the same (this is why Bush was elected after Reagan and the Dems chose Gore after eight years of Clinton — times seemed good). Times are not good now. People want real change. This is why Bernie Sanders has generated more excitement than Hillary. Trump is the anti-Bush. He is everything Bush is not (in political terms). Trump is the peoples’ attempt to poke a finger in the eye of the establishment that had settled on anointing Bush. So, I think most people actually recognize that Trump has huge negatives (I certainly do), but they want to send a message to the establishment, and their way of doing so is through Trump and Bernie Sanders.

    (Just to be clear, I will not be voting for Trump or Bernie Sanders).

  17. I guess it is a sad commentary on how we view our government and its potential at this point if we see Trump as a possible solution. While I don’t fully agree with any of the GOP candidates, I see more good and possibility from almost all of them- more than Trump. I think Jettboy has it right when he says Trump’s popularity comes from so many being “fed up,”. I have to agree with one of the comments that said they weren’t sure who they would vote for between Hillary, Biden, or Trump. Sad.

  18. Trump and Cruz are everything that’s wrong with the modern conservatism and the GOP. We’re about to be spend a generation out of the Presidency leading to much worse than these people want. Yet they can’t quite fathom that as passionate as they feel they can’t convince others.

    Oh Trump will manage to get a lot of votes in the primary. I’ve more or less resigned myself to his winning the first few primaries unless he melts down first. Although at this stage I can’t imagine what he could say that would really stop his fans. They are projecting onto him what they are angry about not making a decision about actually running government. (Ditto Cruz for that matter)

    I don’t like Bush at all. In fact I find it completely unseemly and counter to the spirit of America that we might have a Clinton and Bush running against each other. I never liked Romney as a candidate but now a big chunk of me wishes he’d get back in just so we have a real choice.

    What’s amazing is that this year more than any in a long time we had a really solid chance with a weak Democratic candidate to take things back. Instead the GOP is once again showing they can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

  19. Geoff B. said, “The progressive establishment keeps on winning, and government keeps on getting bigger and more intrusive, no matter which politicians the people seem to choose.”

    Absolutely correct. If Ronald Reagan could not get rid of the Department of Education only a year after it was created, we have no reason to believe that any president could get rid of any more established bureaucracy. Trump’s speeches attract a lot of people, but unless he adopted dictatorial powers, he could not accomplish what he is promising. Nor could any of the other candidates accomplish what small-government conservatives want.

    I guess I don’t like Trump because he seems like the type who might seize dictatorial powers to accomplish what he wants like Geoff suggested, maybe to thunderous applause. Any of the others seems safer for democracy.

  20. I almost believe this Trump thing is being orchestrated so Romney can get recruited at the convention.

    It’s an indictment of the highest order for Trump to be generating so much support when the best man we’ve had run possibly in our nation’s history couldn’t make it with this save crowd.

  21. Jetboy, you said we’ve never tried a strong man before. Um, yes we have. Obama may be subtler and more tactful than Trump, but he’s every bit as vindictive and power hungry.

    Clark, I wish you’d elaborate more on your opinion that Cruz is what’s wrong with conservatism. I get it with Trump, but Cruz ain’t trump. Care to elaborate?

  22. “The GOP establishment wonks hissed and pounded and moaned that we should welcome our illegal alien invaders.”

    Well, yes, and the LDS church has a similar reaction (although I think it’s Trump and his type who are doing the hissing and pounding and moaning):

    “What to do with the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants now residing in various states within the United States is the biggest challenge in the immigration debate. The bedrock moral issue for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is how we treat each other as children of God.

    The history of mass expulsion or mistreatment of individuals or families is cause for concern especially where race, culture, or religion are involved. This should give pause to any policy that contemplates targeting any one group, particularly if that group comes mostly from one heritage….

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is concerned that any state legislation that only contains enforcement provisions is likely to fall short of the high moral standard of treating each other as children of God.

    The Church supports an approach where undocumented immigrants are allowed to square themselves with the law and continue to work without this necessarily leading to citizenship.”

  23. Tim, in all honesty I disagree with the Church on this, just as I disagree with it staying with the Boy Scouts of America. I don’t feel my soul is in danger with feeling this way, although I will not speak out against the Church for having those views.

  24. I personally love the Trump phenomenon. I hope he wins the Republican nomination. I say this because I don’t think he stands a chance in the national elections, thus allowing the Democrats to control the White House for four more years.

  25. This country does not need another Bush, good grief. His record in Florida is dismal. Fiorina ruined Hewlett Packard. Cruz is decent, but what is good for the goose should be good for the gander…..the hypocrisy of each political party is appalling……Obama was born in Kenya, Cruz was born in Canada. Yet everyone is silent about where Cruz was born. Neither one should have been allowed to run for POTUS. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy, I never liked Obama. The others are just like Bush. The Republicans would rather see Sanders take the White House over Trump, because the establishment knows they can’t pull Trump’s puppet strings to further their agenda of ruining this country. Democrats are the same.

    Trump is the only one who does not cave to political correctness, which has become so ridiculous that it has silenced the majority of Americans. He has a backbone. He did not become successful by always placating one group over another or kissing another groups butt, like the spineless politicians who no longer do the will of the people (unless it is a special group that uses bully tactics and other means to get their way then shove it down the silent majority’s throats). Boo hoo hoo, can’t tell the truth because it’s racist, bigoted, hurtful, blah blah blah. This country is run by fascist oligarchs. We have lost so many basic rights. If people would take time to really study the candidates and the political process, and how the Chamber of Commerce and Wall Street are pulling the Republican candidates strings, it would, hopefully, sicken you. Then you would understand why people support Trump.
    (Trump had his kids work regular menial jobs to get an appreciation for hard work and understand what the average person goes through. Trump also treats all his employees very good. Trump is very charitable but keeps it quiet)

    A journalist named Sharyl Atkisson quit CBS because she could no longer lie. She wrote a book (sorry, can’t remember name, Google it) about who really controls the mainstream media and the lies they tell to keep American citizens in the dark and dumb, to keep citizens from questioning what is really going on. It is a crime how citizens have become complacent on everything, and the politicians and media made sure of this. No it is not a conspiracy theory.

    Henry Ford said if American citizens ever found out how the rich and politicians really run the banks and government there would be another revolution, and fast, which is why the people can never find out. Which is why politicians say what the public wants to hear, then does opposite once in office. Behind closed doors all political parties and politicians are the same……they lie to us and they own the media which is why we never know the truth.

    Ever wonder why we have never had another Woodward and that other reporter who exposed Watergate? Think about it. Read Atkisson’s book. Then once you understand this you will understand why Trump is our only hope to keep this country from falling further, if only for a little while.

  26. “Obama was born in Kenya, Cruz was born in Canada. Yet everyone is silent about where Cruz was born. Neither one should have been allowed to run for POTUS.”

    The constitution does not say anything about where they have to be born, but rather that they are natural born citizens. If someone is born of a parent who is already a citizen, regardless of where, they are still natural born citizens. Many US citizens are born outside of the US when their parents hold jobs that take them out of the country. This does not cost them their citizenship.

    Trump is entertaining because he does not play by the media’s rules. However, that does not necessarily qualify him to be a good presidential candidate. It would be nice if he actually answered a question with specifics. “Mr. Trump, how much will it cost to deport millions and build your wall?” “Well, we need this wall, and we can get it done. It will be great and everything will be fixed and I have a couple of jokes and zingers for you.” But, the cost and process to actually do it…well, wehen all is said and done he is just giving platitudes like any politician. It is just that his platitudes are what tired Americans want to hear.

    Additionally, please judge him by the same standards you judge others. If you are going to look at Carly’s business record, please also look at how many of Trump’s interests have declared bankruptcy. Furthermore, his position on private property rights is horrendous. He loved the Kelo decision.

    Anyway, if I had a choice it would be Cruz. He is actually intelligent and actually has real positions on issues. But the media hates him, as do most GOP insiders (actually a good sign), so he has a tough route.

  27. “But the media hates him, as do most GOP insiders (actually a good sign), so he has a tough route.”

    They hate Trump too, other than for ratings gold. Why that doesn’t make a “good sign” for The Donald is hypocritical. As for Carly and her business record you have it backwards; its used to show she is no better than Donald. In fact its worse because she doesn’t know how to turn things around even by legally gaming the system. But that is besides the point because she is for amnesty, pro-Islamic, and sounds like a feminist user of the woman card. Cruz would be my first pick too if he wasn’t so bad at campaigning. Perhaps he can be VP if him and Donald keep flirting politically.

  28. The good sign is that the GOP insiders hate him even though he is one of their senators. The media, well, I do not care so much about what they think.

  29. Mike, you made some good points.

    Yes, a natural born citizen can be born elsewhere to one American parent. I still feel differently, but the screaming about Obama and silence over Cruz shows the appalling hypocrisy. And that is just one thing. And both parties play very dirty. When Obama was running in 2008, Hillary Clinton brought up the Muslim issue, so Trump should not be criticized for not correcting others who mention Obama is a Muslim, by either party, because both were guilty in 2008. The public has a short memory and the media has been silenced. People need to research what they are fed. The first Presidential debate is a good example. Trump was ambushed, his words taken out of context, attacked for a calculated reason. I looked everything up. We LDS get upset when critics take our doctrine and what leaders say out of context, cherry pick. As LDS we don’t need to be doing it to others, or believe everything fed to us by mainstream media. Look at how the Salt Lake Tribune treats the church. I don’t live in Utah and am aware of this.

    I have read stories about Fiorina from people who worked with her at Hewlett Packard, and it is not encouraging. Yes, Trump failed but he also came back. I used to not like Trump. But I don’t like politics as usual even more. So I am giving Trump a chance.

    The Republicans are more corrupt than the Democrats and I am a conservative. Karl Rove seeps corruption and evil, and there is evidence of many unethical and immoral things he did, with the Republicans blessings. Rove is behind getting rid of Trump, working hard for another Bush.

    The Republicans are talking of creating another party just for Jeb Bush. They want to split the vote. They would rather have a Democrat POTUS over Trump. Seriously.

    Look at the Republican record in Congress. Dismal. Both parties are almost identical, the lines are very blurred. The will of the people has been ignored for far too long (at all levels of government), laws broken, the Constitution ignored. Those that are paying attention are angry and see Trump as someone with the backbone to not keep the status quo. I am one of those. Trump is the only one who mentioned and voiced concern about the Christians being killed in the Middle East. They are the true refugees, whom the West has ignored. Trump has a business mind, he knows how politics work. Many think he has not shown his outlines of handling issues because he does not want others to take his ideas. I don’t have an opinion on this. But in reality no politician really knows what they want to do. Again, say what the people want to hear to get elected, then do opposite once in office – got to keep the million dollar donors happy. Trump is beholden to no donors.
    ( I could handle Cruz as POTUS with Trump as VP. )

  30. Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, has some interesting takes on Trump, how he is using linguistic programming and a form of hypnosis, kind of Tony Robbins-esque, to build support. It’s almost like he’s using Jedi mind tricks. And it’s eerily similar to the verbal tricks Obama used in 2008.

    See Adams’ analysis at

    Trump is being vague enough, like Obama was with Hope and Change, to let people read into his statements whatever they want. That’s not conservatism, nor leadership, it’s manipulation.

  31. EG: Trump is his own million dollar donor. He’s his own special interest. And I think he’s as big a narcissist as Obama.

    besides, a president is not a one-man team. We don’t elect a man, we elect his whole team with him. A man running for president doesn’t create his team when he files, or when he gets elected. That inner circle came into being long before the campaign. Obama’s inner circle of mentors and advisors was started when he was a kid in Hawaii. Valerie Jerret’s parents-in-law (back in Chicago) were associates of Frank Marshall Davis, who was O’s biggest influence other than his grandparents. FMD was a columnist for a newspaper of the communist party in Hawaii. That’s not conspiracy theory, that’s fact. That is the same “poet” Frank that O mentions by name a few dozen times in his autobiography.

    I don’t know who Trump’s inner circle is that will advise him on who to appoint as his cabinet secretaries, advisors, and white house staff.

  32. EG- I agree with you that both parties are corrupt. I think that a big part of the frustration among the Republican voting public (or at least those that have voted for Republican candidates recently) is that the people have given the Republicans control of the House and Senate, yet nothing is really changing. All of the talk has been just talk. Both party leaderships are the problem.

    Trump is saying many of the right things, but with no specifics on how he will accomplish anything. And most are ignoring his past statements that are far from conservative. Also, I am not saying that Carly was a great business person. I am saying that those that will attack her business record should consider that Trump’s business record has not been pristine either.

    In my mind, Trump is more of an entertainer/promoter. He is fun and we love his brashness and frankly that he is not a typical politician. And he is riding that wave. But when all is said, not much is done, and he does not really offer conservatives much other than platitudes that generally are in stark contrast to many of his previously stated positions. I see no evidence that he will really back up any of his campaign promises. Honestly, I am glad that he is in the race because I think that it shines a brighter light on all of the candidates and gives us all a chance to see more about who they are.

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