This Boston Phoenix article makes some interesting points, but in the end the author shows he doesn’t have much hands-on knowledge about how our church works. Yes, we can organize pretty well when, for example, a hurricane or flood hits and we need to help people recover. And, yes, we’re mostly Republican. But I can’t see us being as effective politically as he claims.
I have discussed Mormon politics extensively below in this thread. There’s no reason to re-hash those arguments. I am mostly interested in his claim that Mitt Romney will have an army of 1 million Latter-day Saints ready to hit the streets to help “their” candidate. The author uses the example of the Church’s role in defeating the ERA and helping turn the tide against same-sex marriage. His argument is that the Saints are more affluent than other religions, more unified and more politically active. He paints a picture of wards organizing on the precinct level and going door to door to help Romney.
Personally, I think Romney is the best Republican candidate in 2008. I sincerely hope he wins. I will probably campaign actively for him if he runs. But the author doesn’t have a clue how the church really works on the ward level. The Church will be extremely careful not to mix politics and spiritual affairs and will be even more concerned about this issue if Romney is running. I predict that if Mitt becomes a serious candidate by 2007, there will be many, many warnings sent from the Brethren not to discuss politics from the pulpit. And most stake presidents and bishops will support this policy and enforce it rigorously. We will be less officially political than ever.
The Church is mostly effective when its excellent (and perfect) hierarchical structure is used to mobilize people for volunteer work. Without this organizing effect, Mitt will get very little of the special sendoff this author claims.
Having said that, I think many Church members will, like myself, support Mitt. But it won’t be an official Church project and will have to be successful on its own like any political campaign.