One of my favorite Sundays is when the primary children present their program during sacrament meeting.
I melted into tears as I heard the dear, sweet children of my ward sing “How Firm a Foundation.”
What are some of your favorite moments of your ward’s primary program?
Primary program is hands down my favorite Sacrement meeting of the year. This years my 4-year-old daughter (my youngest of three) belted out all the songs louder than any other child in the Primary. The words were no exactly there, but the passion was. She enjoyed the attention. I am pretty sure that my boys (7 and 9) were not even heard by the kids standing right next to them.
Brian, are you taking pictures during sacrement meeting?
I’m hurt, Chris. What will you accuse me of next, posting AND commenting during church? 😉
Lucky you! We have no Primary, so got four talks preaching member missionary work during the holidays. That’s at least four of my least favorite subjects rolled into one.
Does your little girl sing around the house, too, Chris, or just when she’s in public?
Hmm. The new trick didn’t work (it did a couple of days ago). Now watch this one get posted instead of going to moderation with the others …
I’m on the stand and my favorite part is watching each set of parents get a cheesy grin as their child goes up (of course the whole congregation sees my cheesy grin as my daughter says her part).
It’s my favorite meeting of the year by far. I know any Primary Presidency would probably shoot me for suggesting it, but I’d love another program around Easter.
Yes, a program around Easter would be an excellent addition.
Today was just an all-around awesome Sunday! It also helps that my Cardinals beat the Bears.
Today was our Primary Program,and it was AMAZING. Each child/group/family/missionary/etc stood to do their part exactly on time, with no prompting and no hesitation. I was surprised at how smoothly it flowed—even ended with 1 minute to spare! The talks were sweet and strong, totally prepared by the children. When I had young kids in Primary, they had long scripts to memorise. All we gave them was a topic.
Some were so touching —they Get It. For example, one boy talked about how he wants an eternal family, but “my big sister is so annoying that often I wish she would go away. But what good is an eternal family without the annoying ones? If I want to be together forever with my family, I’d better learn to like them now.” The cute little 4 year old who bore powerful, lisping, unassisted testimony of her “heavenwee fodder” was strong—who can doubt she knows? The best part is realizing how much these small wiggly people do know—way more than great world leaders, just a quiet confidence, taught in simple terms.
We handed out comment cards, just blank 3z5’s. I was hoping to get 5-6 cards back. Wow— there were 46! All were very positive, full of concrete, specific praise, several written both front and back. I read the comment cards in Primary, and the children were spellbound. They are rarely that attentive! They were delighted to hear what The Big People thought of their efforts.
I’m Primary President, and this calling is way harder than advertized. For example, I counted before this week’s ppi; they have released 18 of MY people in the last 10 months! Enough already. Days like this….payday.
For the record— NOT even vaguely interested in repeating this anytime soon. It takes nearly a year to regroup!
Interestingly enough, the primary presidency in my ward was released just before the program started. I’m sure it was bittersweet for them. As you mentioned, the programs take a long time to plan and execute. My hat is off to all of the primary presidencies, music people and teachers who put so much into presenting the programs.
We just had primary our primary program. I love watching the three and four year-olds and making silent bets as to whether they will actually say anything at all when they come up to give their “talk.” My son had practiced his one-sentence “talk” for a month, but he chickened out when he got to the microphone.
Geoff, yes, that’s almost normal. That’s why I was amazed today— not one child even hesitated. Maybe they were under a spell?
Brian. Thank you. We all need to feel appreciated. I’m going to write thank you notes to speakers and teachers!
After being in several Primary presidencies, it never ceases to amaze me how spiritually mature the children are, how deep and profound their understanding of gospel principals is, and how amazing they are in every program (even when our practices leave us wondering how the Sacrament program will ever work out.) I have the greatest respect for music leaders and teachers who serve children with such love and devotion. They are truly the unsung heroes and heroines in the Church today.
We had our primary program today too. I especially enjoyed the music this year. One nervous little guy threw up on the stand right before the program started; otherwise, the program went off beautifully. Hong Mei paid attention, was on her best behavior, and tried to sing. Flash did not hide behind the kid in front of him, he sang and said his talk. In all, a stellar day for the Bensons.
I am the primary pianist (or I was until after the program). Our program was two weeks ago. My favorite part was hearing the little ones who can barely talk coherently recite their part without any prompting. I’m usually pretty cynical, but the primary program always melt my cold, cold heart
CS Eric,
I consider myself a cynic on most days, but like you, my heart melts around primary children.
My favorite part was during the ‘How Firm a Foundation’ part. My son Joshua was just kinda standing there, like he’d forgotten the words. So I started mouthing them for him. He looks over at my wife and says at the top of his voice, “YOU SING TOO, MOMMY!!!”
Did you just have yours? Ours was on 27 September.
Bill, Having the primary program in Q4 vs Q3 has a better impact on the ward budget. Or so I have been told. 😉
Brian, that makes sense. I was wondering why it was a little early. I remember it being in October or November in the past (other wards).