The Millennial Star

The practical case for food storage: Vancouver, BC is completely cut off from the rest of Canada

I would love to hear from people in British Colombia who can provide first-hand reports as to how western Canadians are dealing with the strange situation that Vancouver, BC is completely cut off from the rest of Canada.

Here is what the media are reporting:

There is currently no way to drive between Vancouver and the rest of Canada.

The Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley are now completely cut off from the rest of British Columbia and the country by road.

Flooding and mudslides had closed most routes between the coast and BC Interior over the past 24 hours, but the back route through Whistler on Hwy 99 remained open this morning.

That changed shortly after 11 am, when DriveBC reported that a mudslide 42 kilometres south of Lillooet had shut down Hwy 99 as well.

The only way to drive between the coast and the rest of Canada at this time is through the United States.

However, Washington is also seeing highway closures due to the inclement weather and residents would need a COVID-19 test to re-enter Canada.

A destroyed highway in Canada

When I made a comment on Facebook a few years back in favor of food storage, a snarky former friend from high school sneered: “oh, you’re a prepper now!” No, I’m not a prepper, but definitely more prepared than I was in my youth. Given supply chain disruptions and other concerns in our post-modern world, perhaps just some practical food storage would be a good idea?

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