The Millennial Star

The great sacrament tray controversy

The following letter brings to mind the famous line in “The Graduate” in which Walter Brookes advised Dustin Hoffman to invest in plastic. Is there no end to the inhumanity! No more metal sacrament trays!!!! If any bloggers can help this poor Saint, the world will thank them, I’m sure. This is especially crucial because I occasionally go to Orlando and Sacrament would not be the same with plastic trays.

Dear Editor,

I have been attempting to order new metal sacrament trays for our
ward and could not find them on the lds catalog website. I gave a
call to the 800 number and was informed that the church no longer
makes the metal trays only the plastic trays. Well, this is totally
unacceptable and I am not certain as to why the Church would
discontinue the nice metal trays for tacky plastic ones.

I asked the sister on the phone if she knew of any third party
providers and she stated no. I have not been able to find anything
on the internet.

Could you ask one of your bloggers to explore this as a topic of a
blog? I would like to know if anyone knows the reason behind the
change and also would like to know if there are any third-party
companies out there that provide alternatives.


Kevin Dion
Orlando, FL

Dear readers, the fate of an Orlando ward’s sacrament trays are now in your hands.

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