The bloggernacle hits the big time

Best of the Web, the Wall Street Journal’s on-line service, linked Times and Seasons’ own Russell Arben Fox’s post on “Saying No to Baptism” today. I would guess this caused the biggest spike in T&S traffic ever. Adam, any stats you can share with us? Congrats to Adam for acting quickly to welcome Best of the Web readers. He’ll make a great mission president someday.

Postscript: scroll down about three-quarters of the way on the Best of the Web post to see the T&S reference.

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About Geoff B.

Geoff B graduated from Stanford University (class of 1985) and worked in journalism for several years until about 1992, when he took up his second career in telecommunications sales. He has held many callings in the Church, but his favorite calling is father and husband. Geoff is active in martial arts and loves hiking and skiing. Geoff has five children and lives in Colorado.

11 thoughts on “The bloggernacle hits the big time

  1. Our stats are public, and anyone can look at them at (and related pages).

    BOTW has given us an increase in readers today, but it’s less than I would have expected. (Possibly because the reference is sorta hidden, halfway down the page, and it’s a relatively oblique mention — it doesn’t scream out “click me.” I suspect if it were the first item, or particularly scandalous, it would have driven more traffic. I suspect that the “Germans and an Elephant’s Butt” article probably got a ton of traffic).

    I can’t tell precisely, but looking at the curve of the day as it usually goes, versus today, I would estimate that BOTW has sent between 300 and 400 extra readers this afternoon. That’s not significant, but it’s not _huge_, since we average about 2000 hits per day, and our normal daily fluctuation is 200-300 hits one way or the other. (You can see this on the “month” stats).

    If it keeps up, we may get 600 or 700 hits, which would be significant. I’m trying to remember the details of other spikes. We got linked once by (I think for the thread where I was arguing with Dan Peterson about FARMS) and a got a huge traffic spike that day, something like 700 hits. We’ve been in the SL Tribune three times, but those bring in 300 hits per day, tops. We were linked from Bainbridge once and I think that drew 400 or 500, I don’t recall exactly.


    I seem to recall one Steve Evans telling me, oh, maybe two hours ago, that Kulturblog is _not_ bart of the bloggernacle.

  2. Our stats are public, and anyone can look at them at (and related pages).

    BOTW has given us an increase in readers today, but it’s less than I would have expected. (Possibly because the reference is sorta hidden, halfway down the page, and it’s a relatively oblique mention — it doesn’t scream out “click me.” I suspect if it were the first item, or particularly scandalous, it would have driven more traffic. I suspect that the “Germans and an Elephant’s Butt” article probably got a ton of traffic).

    I can’t tell precisely, but looking at the curve of the day as it usually goes, versus today, I would estimate that BOTW has sent between 300 and 400 extra readers this afternoon. That’s not significant, but it’s not _huge_, since we average about 2000 hits per day, and our normal daily fluctuation is 200-300 hits one way or the other. (You can see this on the “month” stats).

    If it keeps up, we may get 600 or 700 hits, which would be significant. I’m trying to remember the details of other spikes. We got linked once by (I think for the thread where I was arguing with Dan Peterson about FARMS) and a got a huge traffic spike that day, something like 700 hits. We’ve been in the SL Tribune three times, but those bring in 300 hits per day, tops. We were linked from Bainbridge once and I think that drew 400 or 500, I don’t recall exactly.


    I seem to recall one Steve Evans telling me, oh, maybe two hours ago, that Kulturblog is _not_ bart of the bloggernacle.

  3. I’m sure T&S was glad for the link, but whoa, what a wierd one. There was really no point to it at all.

  4. “What is the ontological nature of Kulturblog”

    That is the eternal question. Basically, it’s a place for people to talk about movies, music, books, art, design, etc. without it getting all about the Church. I think most of us just like having a place to go to where it’s not all mormon, all the time.

  5. I think what Steve meant to say is that it’s a place where those of us who are cool can flaunt our cool-ness. Of course, I haven’t posted in a while so my cool ranking has gone way down. Susan M. and D. Fletcher on the other hand…

    I totally agree. Sometimes OpinionJournal really strains to bring in a link or make a connection or a pun, but this one seemed even more so than normal.

  6. Notice that Steve’s name links to BCC, not KB. That should tell you something. What, I don’t know

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