God’s favorite scripture

Last Saturday night my wife shared her notes from Deseret Book’s “Time Out for Women” conference with me. While I hope to share more notes with M* readers after she types them up, one key point stood out from a talk given by LDS author John Bytheway.

My wife asked me what I though God’s favorite scripture might be. There are so many good scriptures that could qualify as His favorite, but the answer given by John Bytheway made sense to me–the sacrament prayers (here and here).

Why would these be God’s favorite scripture? Discuss.

The Sign of the Dove

Feral_Barbary_Dove[Cross posted from Sixteen Small Stones]

As a child and a young man I owned a lot of pets.  My poor mother, who is not a “pet person” at all, was more than a little patient with my ever expanding zoo, which overflowed from my bedroom into many other parts of the house and yard.  A lot of my earliest spiritual experiences involved pets.  I experienced the magic and excitement of new-born life and the sting and stillness of death in a very real, personal way.

My collection of life included a number of different birds.  I had a parrot, cockatiels, budgerigars, zebra finches, canaries, a rooster and some hens, a bantam rooster and hens,  ducks, homing pigeons, and ring-neck doves.  I didn’t get an allowance and breeding pets, especially doves, and selling them to Utah Valley pet stores was my primary source of income.

Close personal contact with doves, especially in contrast to the other birds I had,  gave me some insights into why the dove has been used as a symbol of peace, and in the scriptures as a sign for the Holy Spirit of God.

Parrots and parakeets have sharp, hooked bills and when they feel threatened or trapped they will squawk and screech, complain and murmur, and give you a painful bite– sometimes drawing blood.

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Part V LDS and the Sephardic Connection: Seeding the Protestant Reformation

“The displaced Jews, like so many tiny floating seeds from a milkweed pod, landed on fertile ground in Holland, France, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, and England, where they grew into the Protestant Reformation.”- Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman and Donald N. Yates

Elizabeth C. Hirschman, Ph.D at Rutgers University, and Donald N. Yates, Ph.D., owner and founder of DNA Testing Systems, have written a fascinating book entitled When Scotland Was Jewish: DNA Evidence, Archeology, Analysis of Migrations, and Public and Family Records Show Twelfth Century Semitic Roots. In chapter  Ten The Religions of Scotland: Did Presbyterianism Have Crypto-Jewish Origins, Hirschman and Yates reveal the evolution from Catholicism to Protestantism as influenced by the Sephardim.

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Random Mormon Poll #11: Net or Gross?

In a letter from the First Presidency dated March 19, 1970, the brethren wrote:

The simplest statement we know of is the statement of the Lord himself, namely, that the members of the Church should pay ‘one-tenth of all their interest annually,’ which is understood to mean income. No one is justified in making any other statement than this.”

I am interested to know your views on tithing and if you pay on the net or gross and why.

The poll is completely anonymous and M* does not have access to IP addresses for those who vote. Also, if you wish to leave an anonymous comment, you may do so (valid email address required) and your anonymity will be protected.

Any comments that attack the Church and/or its leaders will be promptly deleted.

Random Mormon Poll #10: