Nicholeen and Spencer Give Parenting Advice on TV

As I was thinking about what question would beneficial to answer today on M*, I realized I had just answered questions this morning on television which might be of interest to M* readers.  Today my husband and I had a great day with Debbie and Ron on The KJZZ morning show hosted by KUTV2 news station.  I hope these video clips will be interesting and useful to you and your family.  Today’s topic was consequences and how to choose them.  Remember, “Home should be the safest place to make mistakes.”  (Parenting A House United)

  Below are the links to the two segments we appeared in. 

Segment one:

Segment Two:

Last month we also appeared on the show and will on the second Friday of each month.  Below are the links to last month’s segments. Continue reading

Children Crying? -Don’t Overreact…Understand Instead!

I was baking bread one day when I heard a commotion coming from downstairs. The children then came to tell me what was happening because they didn’t know where their friend was and had grown concerned. I  discovered that one of our darling little friends had broken a toy.

This little five year old girl had been playing with the toy when it accidentally dropped and broke. She was so worried about getting into trouble, she had run off and hidden herself. Continue reading

Frustration When Friends Are Over -Working Out Disagreements

     One day my daughter had one of her best friends over to play while her mom and I visited upstairs. They had only been playing for about 45 minutes when her friend came up from the basement in tears to see her mother. She and my daughter were having a hard time and neither of them felt understood by the other.

     My friend tried to comfort her daughter and give her suggestions on solving the problem but her daughter said, “Mom, I tried to talk to her about it but she won’t listen to me.”

      Clearly these girls did not know how to handle this situation alone so I knew that Continue reading