It’s always interesting to me to see reactions to changes in the church. Yesterday’s announcement of the new First Presidency was another milestone event for members of the church. As the day progressed I searched out and read the reactions of other people. Thankfully I saw more expressions of gladness and gratitude than of murmuring and disagreement — although those were out there.
One of the complaints/speculations I read had to do with Elder Uchtdorf resuming his place in the Quorum of the 12. The accusation was that he was demoted. One person speculated the reason for this was that Elder Uchtdorf and Pres. Nelson didn’t get along and had philosophical disagreements and that this was a punishment for Elder Uchtdorf — a sort of “bad dog” moment, if you will. No, The 12 are unanimous in their decisions and work. They bore that testimony many times yesterday and in the past as well. Continue reading