
Over at ProvoPulse, Mason has discovered the BYU’s Speech Archive. He writes:

I discovered an awesome site Wednesday night: Speeches.byu.edu.

They’ve made mp3’s available of speeches given at BYU all the way back to 1949. (Here’s one from 1950 by President George Albert Smith!)

You can browse the talks by speaker, topic, or year. Here’s a 2001 talk by Elder Bednar before being ordained to the apostleship, and Here’s Elder Holland’s famous “Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments” talk from 1988.

So far I’ve mostly been listening to talks by Elder Maxwell. The Inexhaustible Gospel, Free to Choose?, A Choice Seer, and Patience–an absolutely amazing talk.

You can also get them in HTML / PDF formats for free. I wish I would have known about this earlier. It’s a great resource.

Very cool.

22 thoughts on “speeches.byu.edu

  1. LDS Voices is another great site that provides free streaming and downloadable audio files of church-related talks.

  2. Now if they would only do a talk of the day/week podcast via Rss w/ enclosures…

  3. IMagine the size of the server you would need to store all those talks…

  4. It’s been around for a long time. However, they recently (a year ago) added the MP3 format. The funniest or most interesting part of the site for me is that it is usually impossible to gain access on a Sunday morning.

  5. where is Holland’s talk “Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments”, i have been online for 2 hours now looking for it and every link listed is expired? Help me!

  6. I don’t know why BYU made it unavailable, but obviously they did – it was some time soon after he was called to be an Apostle. I have a copy of the pdf and the mp3 from before they removed it.

  7. Ron,
    I would be grateful if you could email me the pdf and or the mp3.

  8. I think they removed it because they made a book out of it and they’d rather have you run to Deseret Book and buy the cd than to have you just download the speech from the internet. Maybe that’s the case, maybe not, but it makes the inaccessibility of it more understandable.

  9. Ron, or anyone else with the mp3 Of Souls, Symbols & Sacraments…
    Will you e-mail me a copy or if anyone knows where to get it, will u just let me know? Very much appreciated.

  10. Ron, or anyone else that has “Of Souls Symbols and Sacraments,” I would love that audio and would greatly appreciate if someone can email it or forward it to me. deveedahl@gmail.com

  11. I would really appreciate having an mp3 of “Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments.” I have the written talk, but I would really like to listen to it.

    Here’s my email, if anyone has it: free.n.equal@gmail.com

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