I have recently been troubled by a swirl of rumors and misinformation around an acquaintance of mine regarding a very personal and private matter. Sadly, this individual’s life has become fodder for gossip and evil speaking among neighbors.
Even more troubling is the possibility that information shared in confidence was disseminated to those who had no business knowing the information.
While performing a search on the word “gossip” on LDS.org, I came across an Ensign article written by Elder Gene R. Cook of the Seventy. The article’s title is Gossip: Satan’s Snare.
Elder Cook opens the article discussing a situation where a Church member suffered greatly when false rumors of immorality spread through and tore apart a branch. Those who spread the rumors were summoned before a Church disciplinary council.
Here is my question to you: When does gossip rise to the level where it requires convening a Church disciplinary council?
I’m also interested to hear how you deal with gossip in your branch, ward or stake. What is the best way to deal with gossiping without appearing self-righteous? Have you ever been the subject of gossiping? What did you do? How did you deal with it?