Of all the reasons to oppose Sonia’s Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court, the most important one is that she has led an incredibly politically incorrect life.
Here’s the evidence:
She comes from an island that is a monument to U.S. imperialism. It was the manufactured and politically incorrect war on Spain that led to Puerto Rico becoming a U.S. Commonwealth. If that hadn’t happened, Puerto Rico would probably be just a poor as its neighbor the Dominican Republic. I would have a lot more respect for her if she had illegal Dominican roots, rather than legal Puerto Rican roots.
Her mother Celina came to the U.S. as part of the evil U.S. army. Enough said.
Sonia was apparently brainwashed with all kinds of family values propaganda early on. Her mother was married to her father, but her father died young. She lived in the hard knocks areas of the Bronx, but Celina found a way to monitor Sonia’s friends and be the type of “tough love” mother who keeps her daughter in line. Obviously, Celina needed to have read some of the politically correct pop psychology that would have shown her that her daughter needed “space to develop her own personality.”
Celina worked hard all her life and then had the audacity to go to school and start a second career as a nurse. The lady is practically a super woman. Why is she trying to make other people with less of a work ethic look bad?
Celina does a lot of volunteer work. What is wrong with her: doesn’t she know that is the government’s job?
Celina apparently “never complained” about her situation. Doesn’t she know she was a victim of the racist, capitalist culture that oppresses the poor like her, grinds them down to nothing until they have no self esteem and nothing to offer society?
To sum up: some people say Sonia Sotomayor is a symbol of the American dream come to life, an example of how somebody can, through hard work, lift themselves up from the poorest ghetto until they make it to the Supreme Court. But I say she is just blithely unaware of how oppressed she has been all her life and she should have spent a lot more time asking for government help and letting the many people who have her best interests at heart tell her how she should have lived her life. It’s a good thing we have people in control of government now who know how to really help people like Sonia Sotomayor. I know they are ready to help Clarence Thomas in the same way, if only he had different opinions and could be convinced to think like them.