SNL Tebow skit

SNL finally did something with Tebow.  In the locker room after squeaking out a win, Jesus shows up and gives the team and Tebow some guidance.  At the end as he leaves, Jesus says, “By the way, Mormonism, all true. Every single word….”

So now we have both  Satan on South Park and Jesus on SNL telling us that Mormonism is true.  Where there are two or more witnesses…..

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About rameumptom

Gerald (Rameumptom) Smith is a student of the gospel. Joining the Church of Jesus Christ when he was 16, he served a mission in Santa Cruz Bolivia (1978=1980). He is married to Ramona, has 3 stepchildren and 7 grandchildren. Retired Air Force (Aim High!). He has been on the Internet since 1986 when only colleges and military were online. Gerald has defended the gospel since the 1980s, and was on the first Latter-Day Saint email lists, including the late Bill Hamblin's Morm-Ant. Gerald has worked with FairMormon, More Good Foundation, LDS.Net and other pro-LDS online groups. He has blogged on the scriptures for over a decade at his site: Joel's Monastery ( He has the following degrees: AAS Computer Management, BS Resource Mgmt, MA Teaching/History. Gerald was the leader for the Tuskegee Alabama group, prior to it becoming a branch. He opened the door for missionary work to African Americans in Montgomery Alabama in the 1980s. He's served in two bishoprics, stake clerk, high council, HP group leader and several other callings over the years. While on his mission, he served as a counselor in a branch Relief Society presidency.

18 thoughts on “SNL Tebow skit

  1. I don’t mean to sound naive, but what if it is all true. Because it’s too unbelievable?

    For years no one believed you could hang a TV on the wall. How can you make a picture tube (CRT) that flat?

    For years video on demand was a fantasy. How can you give every subscriber their own channel?

    Flat panel displays & high speed internet. Just sayin’. 😉

  2. Yes, it was a fun, but not offensive Jesus they portrayed. And it seems to have predicted Tebow’s loss to the Patriots this weekend: Jesus would be off on another project, Tebow would be on his own, and Brady is God’s nephew.

  3. Adam, why isn’t it fair to Tebow? No one forced him to go out on the field and drop to a knee after any touchdown. When someone puts their religion on their sleeve, they can only expect to be ribbed about it on occasion.

  4. I didn’t think this was an appropriate representation of Christ. I don’t think we should take jokes like this lightly or promote them within our circles.

    You may say I need to lighten up, but I see this as “taking the name of God in vain”. Christ is not one to mock or use in a piece about mockery. He should only be revered and spoken of with worship and respect.

  5. I think it’s hilarious. I also think it might be a good intro for my next YM lesson on faith, prayer, and works.

  6. I don’t mind slightly humorous portrayals of Christ. I don’t think that’s blasphemous at all. This one actually was making some pretty good theological points I thought too. Funny how it predicted everything that happened the next day.

  7. I have to admit I laughed, but I agree with Jeff; I would not personally portray Christ this way, but I can tolerate a skit like this created by unbelievers.

  8. Although I watched the skit with great skepticism and a finger ready to stop it, I found it very lightheartedly funny, with a clever ending that gave me an even bigger smile. Safe decent humour.

  9. Disagree, not “safe decent humor”, not worth showing children without discussing the implications first at least.

    I was able to tolerate it fine, I didn’t feel compelled to stop the video mid-run or anything. I watched the whole thing.

    While I appreciate some of the depth in the “faith without works” moral, I don’t think that automatically makes up for the bad things. IMO it had its share of blasphemy and I don’t think that we should teach people that it’s good to mock the Savior and His mission this way. I do believe this is taking the name of the Lord in vain, and I don’t think it’s redeemed just by adding a one-sentence mention of Mormonism to the end.

    We really shouldn’t promote things just for that or people will start to catch on and attempt to bait us in that way.

  10. I also agree we need to use caution on where the line is between humor and blasphemy. That said, I feel this one was safely on the side of humor. It did not make Jesus look bad (only Tebow looked bad in it). It showed our Savior with kindness, regard for others, and a sense of humor. I don’t see anything blasphemous in that, at all.

  11. Since Tebow is an evangelical, the mormonism comment at the end was another dig at him, rather than a direct attempt to mock mormons. It plays on the fear some evangelicals have regarding mormonism and their discomfort with Mormon political candidates. I thought it was hilarious.

  12. I must admit that I laughed out loud when I saw the ending of this skit. As a Denver Broncos fan I have an interest in Tebow’s success, at least this year. Tebow is also a great example to all of us on promoting his faith, even doing so in a not too in your face way, I think we have all been counseled to do the same, if not more. I believe any references that members may have drawn regarding doctrine and any correlation to the closing statement are coincidental and not intended by the SNL staff. This is not the first time that SNL has poked fun at a group’s religious doctrinal belief, I remember a skit with Jerry Seinfeld with a Jewish family’s Passover feast where Seinfeld enters and sits at Elijah’s chair declaring himself to be Elijah, to the dismay of all those seated, and shortly there after, Jesus entering the home, clearly indicating biblical references that the Jews know not their own. There are plenty of examples shared even over the pulpit at General Conference in which cultural nuances of Mormons are made light of. Having said that, it is a slippery slope to include the Savior in a sketch, but I think that it is obvious that there was no malicious intent, and no gross misrepresentation of what a “conversation with God” about football might have included. I seriously doubt any member would do anything but take to light the skit if instead of Tebow the character was Jimmer or Austin Collie. Such matters that do not have eternal consequences should definitely be taken lightly. Enjoy the holiday season, some football, the Tebow Time ride, but most importantly, find some way to “do some good in the world today,” that is what Tebow is doing, and SNL has only provided him with an additional springboard to get the message out to even more people. Do “the Tebow” and reach out to somebody you otherwise missed.

  13. Given the Indianapolis Colts are only 1W-13L, I don’t think the skit would have worked for Austin Collie. That said, Austin is a really good guy. He often does firesides for youth, both in and outside of the LDS Church here.

  14. Austin Collie reference was very Utah, I am sorry for the confusion with the Colts. Refers to the BYU beloved son Austin Collie’s comment after a Utah BYU rivalry game of “must be living right” as to the reason for a game winning catch, which the media in Utah blew up to mean that Austin somehow believed himself to be more worthy to receive a heavenly intervention then his fellow followers on the Utah team. That is the comedy of it all, to think that heaven intervenes with the outcomes of sporting events based on the team colors or even believers playing for a team. Austin Collie I am sure is doing great things for his community just as Tebow does in his. Media blows things up because the public eats it up. Meanwhile the faithful continue doing good things where they can regardless of their shirt or the name on the church, those who seek will find, that is the beauty of the gospel and it’s effect on those humble enough to find it.

  15. Tom,

    I am not convinced that the last line doesn’t work on many levels. Both as a dig at evangelicals and as a gentle mockery of Mormonism. In any case, I thought the video was funny and did a good job of addressing a lot of what I think is wrong about the intersection of religion and sports.

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