The Millennial Star

Reporter speculates that if Mitt loses presidential race, he will become the president of the Church

This was too rich not to share.  A Bloomberg reporter speculates that if Romney loses the presidential race he’ll become president of the Church.


Ultimately, it isn’t hard to see Romney, whose fervor for the Mormon faith runs deep, becoming president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. When he was in his 30s, Romney was bishop of his congregation and president of the Boston-area church. He would be the most visible leader of the fast-growing and controversial denomination since Brigham Young.

Age wouldn’t be a barrier for the 64-year-old; the current president is 84, and it’s not uncommon for Mormon presidents to be in their 90s. The prohibition against smoking, drinking and other transgressions leads to a longer lifespan, it would seem.

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What about Huntsman?  No mention of future Church service, not even being promoted to Patriarch or temple president.  It seems there are drawbacks to being wealthy and attractive.
I am sure this is how most outsiders see the Church president, as somebody picked from prominent Mormons.  If they knew about the decades of service most presidents have put in as apostles or members of the First Presidency before becoming the prophet, perhaps they would change their views a bit.  Btw, hat tip to Nate Oman for linking this article.
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