Prop 8 looks likely to pass

Pro-marriage amendments in Florida and Arizona also passed.  With 91 percent of the vote counted, Prop. 8 is up by almost 52 percent to 48 percent — closer than I would have thought but a majority nonetheless.   It seems to me the people of California (and Arizona and Florida) have spoken.  Now we will see if the courts respect the will of the people.

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About Geoff B.

Geoff B graduated from Stanford University (class of 1985) and worked in journalism for several years until about 1992, when he took up his second career in telecommunications sales. He has held many callings in the Church, but his favorite calling is father and husband. Geoff is active in martial arts and loves hiking and skiing. Geoff has five children and lives in Colorado.

19 thoughts on “Prop 8 looks likely to pass

  1. One piece of positive news from the debacle. I guess that the courts will now be into defining the words “one”, “man”, and “woman”.

    You are a woman if you say you are and vice versa.

  2. Someone asked me if we in Arizona could now rest easy with the passage of Prop 102. My answer- No! The battle may have been won, but the war is far from over.

  3. Catholic Conference Condemns No on Prop 8 Ad

    The California Catholic Conference today criticized a No on Prop 8 ad that apparently is scheduled to run on MSNBC and CNN today (Tuesday)
    The No on Prop 8 advocates have shown their true colors in this election as they have not just disagreed with those who stand up to protect marriage, but have vilified and excoriated them as well. You may know that Latter-day Saints have been vigorously involved in this battle to pass Prop 8.

    Apparently their opponents think that it is payback time for the Mormons. The commercial depicts two Mormon missionaries invading the home of a same-sex couple. In the commercial they knock on the door, say they are from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and tell a lesbian couple “we are here to take away your rights.” They take their wedding rings, ransack the house looking for their marriage license, find it, and then tear it up. They say, “that was too easy, yeah, what should we ban next?” Then the ad says:” Fact: Members of the Mormon Church have given over $20,000,000 to pass Prop. 8.” “Say No to a Church taking over your government. Vote No on Prop. 8”

    To see this ad click here:

    Of course, this deplorable ad is ultimately a strike against churches having any say in these vital social issues, and the last line is absolutely chilling for all religious people, no matter who they are. This is not just about the Latter-day Saints, but about any religious group who seeks to have a voice.

    In their statement, the California Catholic Conference called the ad “bigoted and intolerant.” Bishop Stephen Blaire, the President of the California Catholic Conference decried the new advertisement from opponents of Proposition 8 as “a blatant display of religious bigotry and intolerance.” He expressed dismay that any public media outlet would give it an airing. “The YES on 8 campaign is not about discrimination and intolerance; it is about restoring the traditional definition of marriage for the good of society and children,” said Bishop Blaire.

    “All individuals and groups, whether religious or not, have both a right and a responsibility to participate in a civil debate about this important issue. From the beginning of this campaign the Catholic Conference has stressed the importance of mutual respect and denounces this type of religious bigotry.”

    Other church leaders are also stepping forward with denouncements (see

    To read an article about the kinds of abuses members of the LDS Church have seen as they have supported this amendment read “The Perils of Raising the Title of Liberty” in Meridian Magazine.

  4. I have been on another message board, and I am amazed at how many people are saying supporters of Prop. 8 are “hateful”. Good is truly seen as evil in our world today.

    This fight is not over. And with Obama’s chance to appoint liberal Supreme Court Justices, there will probably come a day when we will lose in the courts.

  5. Although I was opposed to Prop 8, allow me to congratulate its supporters in California, who pulled off an effective ground-level campaign that not only convinced voters but got them to the polls.

    In an odd twist, Prop 8 lost among white voters in California, tied among Hispanics, and was overwhelmingly supported by blacks (70%/30%). Black turnout was unusually high for this election because of the Obama candidacy (up 20% over normal). So it is possible that having Obama on the ticket also brought the margin of victory that Prop 8 needed.

    Sometimes irony can be so … ironic.

  6. It was a relief to learn the vote this morning. I have believed that this vote will be a turning point, but I couldn’t guess which way. I’m glad the Church and opponents of the amendment put out the effort to get Californians to think about the issue.

  7. So it is possible that having Obama on the ticket also brought the margin of victory that Prop 8 needed.

    Lot’s of people are going to be saying this, but it isn’t true, not even close. Just do the math.

    The extra black turnout amounts to less than 2% of the total California voters. Even if every single one of those people voted for prop 8, that wasn’t enough to swing the election; it would have passed even if they had all stayed home. Plus, many of these “new” black voters were younger people, who were probably less friendly to prop 8 than the black voter population generally. Plus, Obama also brought out many liberal non-black voters.

  8. No, I’m saying that the *extra* black turnout due to Obama, above what we would normally see, is less than 2% of the total. Most of the black voters would have voted even without Obama on the ballot. You said yourself that black turnout was only up by 20%.

  9. OK, let’s do the math. Black vote according to Mike was 20 percent higher than normal because of Obama. So, if they make up 6.2 percent of California’s population, that’s an additional 1.24 percent of total voters. (6.2 percent times .2). 70 percent of them voted yes. That’s .868 percent of the vote that in theory would be additional. The measure won by four points. It still would have passed without the additional black vote.

    Add to that the additional turnout of enthusiastic white liberals voting for Obama, and Kodos’ points are valid.

    Mike, is there anything wrong with my math? It wouldn’t be the first time….

  10. Well, don’t exhale just yet, folks. The LA and SF city attorneys– as well as other lawyers– are building cases against the Prop’s passing. Meanwhile, although the LA County courthouse has ceased granting SSM certificates claiming the law went into effect at midnight, Orange County says it will continue to make them available until they are told otherwise.

    Apparently some people didn’t hear the fat lady sing.

  11. Interesting video, thanks for sharing it. Looks like the group that attacked Lehi when he tried to warn them Jerusalem would be destroyed.

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