Zions Bank sponsors children’s grooming event in Idaho

Zion’s Bank, founded by Brigham Young in 1873, is now sponsoring events aimed at grooming children in Idaho.

The Boise Pride Festival this weekend includes at least two events involving the grooming of young children, a “Drag Kids on Stage” show and “Drag Story Time with Gendertainers.”

Here is the link to the “Boise Pride Guide” showing that Zion’s Bank is a major sponsor, along with many other corporate sponsors, including Citi, Albertson’s and Wells Fargo.

Zion’s Bank was founded by Brigham Young in 1873 but has not been associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since the 1960s.

UPDATE: Zion’s Bank announced they will no longer participate in this event specifically because of the shows aimed at children. Kudos to Zion’s Bank.

Guest post: review of ‘Jezebel’s War with America’

This is a guest post by Bookslinger.

I’d like to recommend a book I found at Ollie’s Bargain Outlet. Jezebel’s War with America, by Michael L. Brown, $4. It’s cheaper than buying used on Amazon, where it’s about $7 including shipping.

I bought extra copies to loan to friends.

I’m writing this review/recommendation for a general Christian audience, not solely Millennial Star’s intended audience.

You’re most likely already knowledgeable about the subject – the spiritual and culture wars going on. 

The value I see in the book is in the extensive endnotes, and the connecting of the historical dots. It shows who the players and leaders of personal, family, and nation destruction were and are.

In case you’re not familiar with Michael L.  Brown, he has a ministry, website, podcast, videos, etc.  

From his videos/podcasts, I think his speaking style is a bit too over-the-top, too zealous/intense, a bit too Pentecostal, almost holy-roller-ish, for me.   But his writing style is palatable.

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Are “dozens” of Church education employees being fired as the Church insists on higher standards for teachers?

Many Church members have been worried for years about the priorities of many of the professors and teachers at BYU and other Church institutions. The purpose of Church education is to promote Church doctrine and promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, yet many professors concentrate on the latest woke causes and sometimes even contradict Church teachings.

Are things about to change?

This post reports:

And the first wave of centralized firings has begun—at the level of the Ecclesiastical Clearance Office (ECO) in Salt Lake. Dozens of adjunct faculty, many who have worked for CES for years, given overtime and heart and health to students, received compensation for barely minimum wage, have received calls that they have been fired—even as the fall semester begins—with zero information as to the reason for their dismissal.

According to this post from March 2022 Church educators are being asked to make sure they hold temple recommends. According to the author, this is somehow “authoritarian,” which is hilarious, but I will note that teaching standards also now include at least some CES employees being asked the following questions:

  • “Does this member have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and of its doctrine, including its teachings on marriage, family, and gender?
  • “Does this member support current church policies and practices and sustain the leaders of the Church?
  • “Has this member demonstrated an exemplary and extended pattern of avoiding pornography for at least one year?
  • “Please share any concerns you may have about recommending this member:
  • “This member will be an influence on youth and young adults. Your additional comments are needed for this endorsement. Please describe this member with regard to each of the following: Temple Worthiness, Church Attendance, Support of Church Leadership and Doctrine, Family Relationships, Testimony, Other Areas of Strength:”

I think I speak for many, and indeed probably the vast majority, of Church members when I say: “Can I get an Amen?!”

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Did the racist event at the BYU volleyball game even happen?

Social media was awash with condemnations of BYU and the LDS Church over the weekend after a volleyball player from Duke said she was subject to racial slurs “throughout the entirety of the match.”

BYU banned one fan, who was not a BYU student, from all athletic venues on campus and issued a statement saying:

“To say we are extremely disheartened in the actions of a small number of fans in last night’s volleyball match in Smith Fieldhouse between BYU and Duke is not strong enough language. We will not tolerate behavior of this kind. Specifically, the use of a racial slur at any of our athletic events is absolutely unacceptable and BYU athletics holds a zero-tolerance approach to this behavior.”

BYU is of course correct in its statement. The LDS Church has come out with many recent statements against racism, and the Church policy on this issue is clear: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is against racist expressions like this and any other form of racism.

But new information has come out this week. The BYU police looked at the tapes from the event, and the fan who was banned didn’t actually say anything racist. In fact, he was not even in the stands when the racist comments were allegedly made. Even the never-LDS Salt Lake Tribune was forced to admit that the police are baffled. They can’t find the person or people who made the allegedly racist comments.

Now the on campus conservative publication is reporting that there is no evidence that the racist comments took place.

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