Having been a Never Trump during the past year, I’m giving president elect Trump a clean slate and a chance to show what kind of president he’ll be.
Here is a beginning list of things I’d like to see from him and Congress.
- Repeal Obamacare. If replaced, then replace it with a basic voucher or HSA for all families. This would be a Yugo level of basic coverage, with a catastrophic illness coverage after a deductible based on wealth status.
- Pass a national concealed and open carry right.
- Eliminate several departments, including Education and Agriculture, and zero fund base all else. Reduce the size and change the scope of the EPA and IRS.
- Eliminate or at least audit the Federal Reserve
- Replace the income tax with the Fair Tax. Going to a flat tax leaves the door open to create loopholes. Eliminate all loopholes.
- Send welfare and other issues not specifically given to the Fed in the Constitution back to the states.
- Reduce overseas military bases by 50 percent. Tell Europe, Japan, s. Korea and most other western nations to prepare to more defend themselves, as we focus more in the Americas
- Revoke NAFTA, GATT and other treaties that are not truly free trade
- Reject global warming treaties as scientifically and economically impractical, not making any difference in future global temperatures.
- Term limits for Congress. In fact, enact a Constitutional Convention to fix some court decisions, returning power back to the states, like on Roe v Wade, and on the Commerce Clause
- Fix immigration. Make it easier for Hispanics to legally immigrate. Give illegals a 2year work permit, during which new rules can be made to replace the current system. Allow illegals to earn a work permit, but not citizenship. No welfare for illegals.
- Protect our borders from drug dealers, terrorists and bad people.
- Stop being the world police force
- Shine the light of freedom and invite other nations to join us in liberty when they are ready. Don’t force democracy onto anyone.
- Decriminalize drugs. Allow judges to use corporal punishment and experiment with other methods, and leave prison only for the most violent and dangerous.
- Return most federal lands back to the states. Alternatively, give acreage to the poor, and to Native and African Americans as reparations
- Place strict constitutionalists on the Supreme Court
That is my current wishlist. What would be on your list?