The Millennial Star

More brotherly love from Harry Reid

Harry Reid is a political partisan, and his job is to promote his party. He has a unique wit that sometimes doesn’t translate well in print. Still, I find this kind of language offensive and divisive, and I’m going to call him on it:

Not only did Mr. Reid have no advice to offer but he also said that he had no particular desire to ever meet Mr. Romney face to face.

“Well,” Mr. Reid said, “I believe Mitt Romney, who’s a man I’ve never met — don’t particularly want to — a man I’ve never met, that I would hope that his running for president would be determined on his politics and not his religion.”

Mr. Reid added: “He can give his speech and handle it however he wants. I can’t give him any advice in that regard.” Further proof, as if there was any doubt, that political beliefs are the ties that bind in the spiritual center known as Washington.

So, if you disagree with somebody politically, you don’t even want to meet them? This does appear to be Harry’s position.

Kudos to the majority leader for pointing out, rightly, “I would hope that his running for president would be determined on his politics and not his religion.” Well said.

If Mitt Romney were to say publicly that he did not want to meet Harry Reid because he is a Democrat, I would call him on it as well. There’s no call for that kind of talk. I can’t fault Harry for not wanting to give Mitt advice on his speech — that’s his right and probably smart politics. I definitely wish our leading Democratic Mormon were more civil.

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