The Mitt Romney for VP campaign is taking the world by storm! Or maybe not. But anybody interesting in whom McCain will choose as his running mate should visit this web site. I was truly surprised by all the attention Mitt is getting as a potential McCain running mate.
I am curious to know the source of the poll cited on the web site you link in the post. I would love to see Romney as McCain’s VP, but I am not sure McCain would pick him.
Why no mention of Gov. Bobby Jindal on the site? He is another possible VP.
If McCain chooses Romney as his running mate, this LDS Independent may vote for Obama. Also, say goodbye to the South as the evangelicals are not aboout to cast their vote for a Mormon!
Romney for Secretary of the Treasury, but not VP!
Mitt Romney is uniquely qualified to tackle our country’s economic and fiscal issues: devaluation of the dollar, out-of-control spending, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. Mitt has turned around companies (Staples, Home Depot, etc.), the Olympics, and the State of Massachusetts. When you add to that conservative social values, and an exemplary personal and family life – – He’s the best choice for McCain’s Number Two.
Mitt Romney has the right qualifications (the only one with non-governmental (Bain, Olympics) leadership experience, a deep-seated faith, a vision for this country’s future, and an exemplary personal and family life. He won most of the GOP debates.
Mitt has the organizational skills to help MCain run a campaign in the general election and run the country. Obama has never even run a lemonade stand. Mitt would appeal to the Independents and some Democrats for his unique qualifications in these times of economic uncertainty.
Brian, I really like Bobby Jindal, but I would like to see him stay in Louisiana a while longer. What about this – the McCain/Romney ticket wins in November. McCain only serves one term. So in 2012 we could have a Romney/Jindal ticket. That would set up Jindal for 2020. He would be more than ready to be president then.
Run Mitt! Please Run!
Geoff, I don’t know how much you realize this but the Democrats would love to have Mr. Romney as McCain’s VP.
Dan, And don’t think the Republicans aren’t grateful for Obama winning the nomination. Hillary would have been fun to play with, but Obama is an even better target. 🙂
How is Obama a better target for Republicans than Clinton was? You realize that he is leading in the polls by a consistent 5% margin. This is, historically, a landslide in November. McCain is toast dude. I realize that Rove has taught Republicans to attack the strengths of the enemy in attempts to turn them to weaknesses, but in this case it won’t work. And you ought to realize that as far as long-term strategy is concerned, it is very poor and will leave your party in a permanent minority status.
Jindal would be the worst thing McCain could do.
Honestly Romney looks the best of all the names I’ve seen bandied about. That’s not to say he is good in the least. But it’s a moot point since I don’t think McCain has a chance of winning. Obama has solid leads in too many states.
Clark, I wouldn’t give up on McCain yet. Hillary is still a big X factor for the Democrats. She is still using her surrogates to make her case that she should be the nominee. A fractured Demoract party won’t win the election. Don’t forget Obama’s utter lack of foreign policy experience which shows badly when he talks about the situation with Russia and Georgia.
Another key Obama mistake is relying too heavily on younger voters to win the election. Kerry made the same mistake in 2004.