The Millennial Star

Man shoots Lawnmower — be honest, you have wanted to do something like this

By now, you may have heard of the case of the man who shot his own lawnmower for not starting. He was arrested and could face up to six years in jail on felony charges.

Now, I know the Gospel makes bad men good and good men better. However, anybody who is honest, especially a man, will have to admit that he has had the desire every once in a while to destroy some valuable piece of equipment. Personally, I fantasize about shooting my computer about once a week when it crashes in the middle of posting on this blog or in the middle of an important piece of work. (My favorite fantasy is to take it to the top of a tall building and drop it — heh). But the point is I DON’T do it. Last month my neighbor who is a close friend of mine had a broken string trimmer. It just stopped working in the middle of the job and he got so mad. Well, instead of whining he got a new one online using this link: My point is there are better, and more productive, ways to deal with things.

So, I guess there is something in the Gospel about self-control — the sin is not having the thought, the sin is not controlling those impulses. And the sin is owning an illegal shotgun and firing it at a lawnmower when you are drunk.

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