The Millennial Star

#LDSconf 185th General Conference, Priesthood Session Live coverage


President Eyring conducts, Pres. Monson presides

(A reminder that summaries can also be seen at this link).

Choir: fathers and sons in Orem, UT.

Choir sings “Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise.”

Invocation: Larry S. Kacher of the Seventy

Choir sings: “Jesus the Very Thought of Thee.”

Elder Neil Andersen

How does the Savior see your faith? Faith is not ethereal, does not fall upon us by chance. It is substance, the evidence of things not seen. Emits a spiritual light, and that light is discernible. Your faith is either growing stronger or becoming weaker. By the grace of Christ we will one day be saved by faith in His name. The future of your faith is not by chance, but by choice.

Brazilian young man, his mother died. His mother made him promise to take care of the family. He had to work and study and take care of three siblings. At age 23 he went on a mission even though he did not have any money. He did not have money for the mission, let alone for helping his family. His employer sent him extra income, he was able to go on a mission. Now, 20 years later, he recognizes that his faith did not come by chance, but by choice.

Using our mind without our heart will not bring spiritual answers. Jesus promised another comforter. Faith never demands an answer to every question, but seeks the courage to move forward, acknowledging, “I don’t know everything.” Concentrating on doubt weakens faith. “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God.”

Questions about Joseph Smith have been around for many years. For now, give Bro. Joseph a break. In a future day, you will have more information. Born in poverty, he translated the Book of Mormon in 90 days. At age 38, he sealed his witness with his blood. I testify that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. Settle this in your mind and move forward.

BoM in 110 languages across the world. When was the last time you read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover? Read it again: it will increase your faith.

There are evil forces lurking in the darkness hoping to extinguish your faith. As you receive greater light and knowledge, your faith becomes settled and sure.

Told story about the death of a bishop and his wife and two children. Three other children left alive. Great faith shown on the part of the children left.

Faith is a choice, strengthen your faith. Your faith will allow you to stand with the ones you live in the presence of God.

Elder Randall K. Bennett of the Seventy

Gap between who we are now and who we want to become, many choose to lose faith and hope.

We cannot make it to live with Heavenly Father alone. We have help because of the atonement. The Savior said if you will have faith in me you should have power to do whatsoever is expedient in me.

Three principles to help us back to our Father in Heaven.

1)You must be willing to try and try again to have progress and success. We must become as a little child. With childlike humility and focus on Father in Heaven, we take steps toward them, never giving up hope, even if we fall. Father in Heaven rejoices in every step.

2)The Lord more than matches our willingness to act in faith. Our willingness to take a step is exceeded by blessings. Whenever we willingly act with faith and take another step, especially an uncomfortable step, we are blessed with faith and strength.

3)Don’t procrastinate. Faith is a principle of action and power. If we act, we will be blessed with strength to repent.

Congregation sings “Praise to the Lord the Almighty.”

President Uchtdorf

Babylon once a great superpower. Conquered Israel and took captives. But one of the captives was a young man by the name of Daniel. Daniel was taken into the king’s court to be educated and was likely the age of a young man in the church. What was it like to be forced from your home and then indoctrinated in the religion of your enemies. But Daniel was a follower of Jehovah. Immense pressure to abandon his faith and adopt the beliefs of Babylon, but he stayed true to his faith.

It is difficult to maintain beliefs. There is always a chance of being “flamed” by public ridicule on the internet. Daniel’s friend faced real flames.

Daniel spent many hours on his knees praying, waiting on the Lord for understanding and wisdom. He stayed true to what he knew to be right. Daniel did not doubt.

Daniel revealed the dream and its interpretation. Because of his faithfulness to God, Daniel became a trusted counselor to the king.

Are we like Daniel? Do we stand loyal to God? Do we practice what we preach? Are we Sunday Christians only? Do we help the poor and needy, sick and afflicted?

With all of our blessings come great responsibility. We must live as believers in a world of disbelief. Be not impressed by popular trends or false prophets.

Disregard the ridicule of the ungodly. Overcome laziness.

Daniel passed his test, ours still continues. Satan wants us to fail. He suggests that the doubter, the skeptic, the cynic is sophisticated and intelligent, while the believer is blind and brainwashed. Satan wants us to doubt the spiritual gifts.

We believe in God because of things we know with our hearts and minds. Our experiences may be too sacred to share. But instead of sharing in these gifts, the cynics observe from a distance.

You often hear: “I wish I could believe the way you do.” There is no magic to believe. You must want to believe. God wants to speak to you, but it requires curiosity. You must experiment upon the word of God.

He was saddened to hear of a Aaronic Priesthood bearer who said, “if God reveals himself to me, I will believe, until then I will rely on my own intellect.” He felt very sorry for him, rejected the gifts the Lord had offered him. Today people try to put the burden of proof on God.

There is nothing noble about being cynical. Skepticism is easy, anyone can do it. It is the faithful life that requires courage. Those who hold fast to faith are more impressive to those who give in to doubt.

The world has a long history of rejecting what it does not understand. When we choose to believe and follow the Savior, we open our spiritual eyes to splendors. Have courage to believe. Stand with Daniel.

President Eyring

When you do your part, the Lord adds his power to you. Even the new deacon will learn this principle. His grandson is a new deacon. My prayer is that he will see that moment as the important work that it is. The Lord wants people to keep a covenant that will move them along the path to eternal life.

The Lord will magnify the duties of a young man when he becomes a priest. He can baptize.

When receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Lord will add power to you. Told story about the Elder’s Quorum president who reactivated a lot of people. He got to know people. He did his small part and the Lord who did the rest.

Told story about his grandfather who was called on a mission after being a 20-year-old convert of seven months in the church. He was then called as mission president. He had a dream that provided him direction, he then went to Utah. His dream was fulfilled when he met Brigham Young.

Choir: “Lord, I Will Follow Thee.”

President Monson

Keep the commandments. God’s commandments are not given to frustrate or to be obstacles to our happiness. They are guidelines to help us through this treacherous mortal journey.

Our Heavenly Father loves us enough to give us commandments. Lists the 10 commandments.

Our problems will be easier to bear if we keep the commandments.

The adversary tries to thwart our righteous desires. We must be relentless in our determination to achieve our goals. The adversary is a roaring lion walking about seeking whom he may devour.

Teenage years are years of insecurity. You are trying to find your place with peers, trying to fit in. You may be tempted to lower your standards and follow the crowd. Please be strong and be alert.

Warns of various plagues: drugs, pornography, abortion.

The adversary is the founder of all these things. The father or all lies, to deceive.

The commandments were God-given. We cannot change them. We cannot change the consequences from disobeying and breaking them. We cannot allow ourselves the slightest leeway in dealing with sin. Sin can grab us with an iron hand. The addictions from drugs, alcohol, pornography and immorality are real. If any of you have stumbled, there is a way back. The process is called repentance.

Choir: “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” (Army of Helaman).

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