The Millennial Star

Jesus and politics

Recently several of the presidential candidates invoked the name of Jesus in support of their political positions.

The topic of Jesus and politics makes for great fodder for pundits and talk show hosts.

A local Phoenix talk show host recently asked his listeners this question: If Jesus was alive today, which party do you think he would be a member of and whom would he support in the 2008 presidential election?

My first thought was- none of the above.

A compelling argument could be made for just about any of the candidates and why they would make a good president. Religious liberals have strong reasons to elect liberal candidates and religious conservatives have strong reasons to vote for conservative candidates–no surprises there.

My candidate, though, seems to have an ability to appeal to both sides of the aisle. The candidate of whom I speak is Jesus, of course.

While it is utterly preposterous to suppose that He would return to run for president in 2008, perhaps some have forgotten that He already does rule and reign over them…if they will only let Him.

4 O how foolish, and how vain, and how evil, and devilish, and how quick to do iniquity, and how slow to do good, are the children of men; yea, how quick to hearken unto the words of the evil one, and to set their hearts upon the vain things of the world!
5 Yea, how quick to be lifted up in pride; yea, how quick to boast, and do all manner of that which is iniquity; and how slow are they to remember the Lord their God, and to give ear unto his counsels, yea, how slow to walk in wisdom’s paths!
6 Behold, they do not desire that the Lord their God, who hath created them, should rule and reign over them; notwithstanding his great goodness and his mercy towards them, they do set at naught his counsels, and they will not that he should be their guide.

(Book of Mormon | Helaman 12:4 – 6)

When it comes to political parties, none of the above, frankly, has a nice ring to it; at least by comparison.

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