I just discovered the FAIR podcasts (as usual, I am at least a year or two behind the times). If you have any interest in Mormon topics, I cannot recommend these podcasts enough.
Recent subjects have included an interview with an LDS man with same-sex attraction who is still living with his lover but has taken a vow of chastity and is temple-worthy. In addition, there are very well-done podcasts discussing controversial issues and providing good defenses of the Church. I loved the recent interview of Matt Bowman regarding his new Mormon history book “The Mormon People.” The FAIR interviewer, Blair Hodges, made the task of an interviewer look incredibly easy, and I can tell you it is not. Listening to two smart Mormons discuss the Church in a faith-promoting, respectful way was really a joy.
In sum, I highly recommend these podcasts. You can get them from Itunes here. While you are there, you can also add General Conference to your Itunes playlist. I always try to listen to any sessions or talks I missed in the weeks after Conference.
Great work from the folks at FAIR.
Thanks Geoff!
The “Fair Conversations” podcasts are extremely well done. Blair’s interviews are well prepared, polished, and professional. I recently listened to the last three: Tom Mould, Matthew Bowman, and Max Mueller, and found them very interesting and insightful. The more I think about it the more I feel these podcasts are definitely on par with any national news program on religious topics and probably exceed them in quality and content.
Steve, you and Blair and the rest of the team do a great job. I completely agree with Aquinas’s comment. The truth is that doing a professionally done interview is very difficult. You need to have a lot of questions prepared beforehand. You need to speak intelligently about the subject matter. You need to come across as sympathetic but also ask pointed questions. All in all, it is a lot tougher than it seems, and these podcasts are really, really good.
Thanks Geoff. I was a founding board member of FAIR, and while they moved on (needed someone with more money than I had), I’m always pleased to see them doing well.
I love them. Anyone know the best way to access them with an Android rather than I Tunes? I can sometimes get it, but it’s awkward to maneuver.
Having worked on and off with FAIR over the last decade, I agree that the podcasts are some of their finest work.
That we have LDS-related groups that will hit head on such issues with respect and faithfulness, shows that, as a church, we may be getting ready to move out of obscurity.
It is not easy for LDS to engage with the world. Many of our scout programs act as if there is no Scout Council/District. Many of our service projects act as if there is nothing to do outside of tending the LDS widow’s garden or moving someone into the ward. And our lessons are so very basic and uninspiring that we cannot see the value of reaching deeper into our souls and intellect to find the pearls of great price.
For FAIR to provide such context allows the Church members to grow in understanding and in testimony. We do not have to fall apart as a Church, simply because we have a set procedure or policy in place that is overcome by world events. FAIR has provided new directions for evidences and good explanations for many historical, archaeological, spiritual, scientific, and social issues of our day.
And I’m glad that it has not been absorbed by the Missionary Dept or other official group, as it allows the members to present new ideas that may not be given voice in an official environment.
Mitch, I am Android illiterate, but I will point out that Itunes is the only product made by Apple with which I have had serious problems. I have spent many, many hours trying to get it to work, and for the last few months I have finally gotten a system, using an old backup computer, that works for me, but the whole thing is a house of cards ready to crash at any moment. So, I am not surprised that Android is also a problem. Sorry.
I use an app called Pocket Casts on my Android phone. It is well worth the $3 it cost: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.com.shiftyjelly.pocketcasts&hl=en
If anyone’s still following this thread that’s using Andoid, I’ve created a free app for listening to LDS podcasts. It includes FAIR and Interpreter, among others. You can get it here: http://tinyurl.com/LDSPodcastsFree
Trevor, I actually have an Android phone but don’t use it for listening to podcasts (I listen to podcasts on my ipod touch because I usually listen when exercising, and I don’t want to ruin my phone with sweat, rain water, etc). Anyway, if you have an Apple version that would be great. I would definitely download it.