The Millennial Star

Guest post: review of ‘Jezebel’s War with America’

This is a guest post by Bookslinger.

I’d like to recommend a book I found at Ollie’s Bargain Outlet. Jezebel’s War with America, by Michael L. Brown, $4. It’s cheaper than buying used on Amazon, where it’s about $7 including shipping.

I bought extra copies to loan to friends.

I’m writing this review/recommendation for a general Christian audience, not solely Millennial Star’s intended audience.

You’re most likely already knowledgeable about the subject – the spiritual and culture wars going on. 

The value I see in the book is in the extensive endnotes, and the connecting of the historical dots. It shows who the players and leaders of personal, family, and nation destruction were and are.

In case you’re not familiar with Michael L.  Brown, he has a ministry, website, podcast, videos, etc.  

From his videos/podcasts, I think his speaking style is a bit too over-the-top, too zealous/intense, a bit too Pentecostal, almost holy-roller-ish, for me.   But his writing style is palatable.

And I have to admit, Brown makes good logical points in this book about the culture wars.  He “connects the dots” in a very good way.   The far left fringe of the left indicates where their center will be in a few years – the trend is obvious in hindsight.

He shows the connections, the progression, that the society-destroyers have made since the 1960’s.  The far fringe wackos of the 60’s are now at the center of progressivism today.

And in Brown’s defense, the saying is true “If you’re not outraged by now, then you haven’t been paying attention.”

I think this book tones down the verbal/audio Pentecostal style of his videos/podcasts, so it should be palatable to believers of all stripes.

Another good recurring theme of the book  is that the progressives are not the real enemy. They have mostly been duped and wounded by the real enemy.  This parallels previous comments that I have made about Peter Kreeft’s book “How to Win the Culture War.” Kreeft says “they are our patients, not our enemies.”

This book may be a good wake-up call for your “go along/get along” Christian friends who are not fully aware of how bad things are, or how to push back. It may be good for parents of minors.  It may be good for “asleep” Christians.

The parallels of modern progressivism/etc. to the Old Testament Jezebel are stunning. 

Then he draws some parallels  between Jehu and Trump.

Anyway, Brown’s O.T. scholarship seems legit.  His research and source citations are extensive. He quotes many current and past Christian leaders, as well as a litany of leftist/PC activists and leaders going back over 50 years.

Chapter headings (paraphrased, not verbatim):

  1. Jezebel in the Bible.
  2. The spirit of Jezebel in America.
  3. Idolatry.
  4. The sexual revolution.
  5. The spirit of baby-killing.
  6. Radical Feminism.
  7. The war on gender distinction.  (He traces it directly back to the extreme fringe of 60’s/70’s radical feminists. They actually went on record about it.)
  8. The rise of witchcraft. (Seriously.)
  9. Silencing the prophets/pastors/religious leaders.
  10. Jehu and Teump. 
  11. What you can do.
  12. What we collectively can do.
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