A few years ago, my husband told us he was planning to write a mneumonic song, to help folks remember the sections in the Doctrine and Covenants.
“How’s it going to go?” I laughed. Then I sang the following to the tune used for the New Testament song: ‘1, 2, 3, and 4, and 5, 6, and 7?'”
In response, Bryan sang the first part to us, to the tune “Flow Gently, Sweet Afton” (as in the youtube video above):
“The Doctrine and Covenants has more of God’s word:
Section 1’s the Lord’s Preface; the 4th calls to serve.
18, souls are worth much; 19, please repent.
The Church formed in 20; 27, sacrament.
This past year, Bryan fleshed out the entire text, refining a word or two here and there as we began our 2021 study of the Doctrine and Covenants. On Easter, Bryan finished the video and posted in to Youtube.
For my part, I tried to argue for some of my favorites (the Elect Lady revelation in D&C 25, the discussion of Church governance in D&C 28). But I am pleased to share a song we’ve enjoyed in our family over the years, which helps us remember some of our favorite sections.
This is far better than the version I always sang to the tune of “Ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall.” Bravo!
It’s fun learning more and more about the contents of the Doctrine and Covenants. This week we were reading the first section that mentions Ziba Peterson. Before the internet, I would have been unable to find out more about Ziba (other than the other mention in the D&C implying Ziba had erred). But with the internet, I found out about how Ziba remained in Jackson County in 1833. In the 1840s, Ziba traveled to the town now known as Placerville, CA, where he became a sheriff responsible for hanging three men. So this gold rush town that had formerly been known as Dry Digs became known as Hangtown. Ziba died shortly after the hangings. A few years later, eager to rid themselves of the morbid name “Hangtown,” locals came up with the name Placerville.