The Millennial Star

Dilbert has his food storage. Do you?

It seems that Dilbert has readied for the upcoming economic collapse with food storage, etc.


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First, are you ready for any unexpected economic events?  Even being laid off for a year can be eased by having food storage and money in the bank.

Second and more importantly, what is your plan for keeping Alice and other marauders from taking your stuff in case of a major disaster?  Do you have claymores set up in your yard? Have you dug a moat?  Have you worked it out with your neighbors to help one another defend the neighborhood from outsiders? Do you have a large supply of white surrender flags?  Or do you have extra supplies to buy them all off?

Of course, do you have enough to trade for items you may need?  Will salt be a major economic item? If so, will you sell the little packets of salt you snitched over the years from fast food chains to those needing a daily dose of iodine?

Chemical gear?  High powered assault weapons?  Trapping equipment so you can catch squirrels and rodents for meat? Or is your hefty next door neighbor on the emergency food list?

Come on everyone!  Are you as ready as Dilbert is? Or are you gonna be the ones breaking in to get Dilbert’s goods?



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