Congratulations to Mia Love


Republican Mia Love: conservative, Mormon and newly elected to Congress from Utah.

(For those of us with a Libertarian bent, Reason magazine has called Mia Love “Libertarian-ish”).

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About Geoff B.

Geoff B graduated from Stanford University (class of 1985) and worked in journalism for several years until about 1992, when he took up his second career in telecommunications sales. He has held many callings in the Church, but his favorite calling is father and husband. Geoff is active in martial arts and loves hiking and skiing. Geoff has five children and lives in Colorado.

9 thoughts on “Congratulations to Mia Love

  1. When this race is relegated to the history books, Doug Owens’ campaign will be seen for the racist dog-whistle that it was (Love, a Republican, didn’t represent “Utah values” in a 60% Republican state? We know EXACTLY what you were referring to, sir); and Utah’s rejection of it will be seen as a turning point in Utah politics.

  2. As a red-state Californian, I have to look beyond state boundaries for good news. Mia’s win is great news. Congratulations to her and to the 4th district.

  3. The reason the media can’t understand Mia Love’s win is that the average minority percentage among the 37 Black representatives in Congress is 67 percent. Therefore, the only way for a Black to be elected is to play the victim card in those congressional districts. They cannot fathom a Black representative being elected from a 95+ percent white district from the most Republican state in the country.

  4. “… is that the average minority percentage among the 37 Black representatives in Congress is 67 percent.”

    Huh? Can you rephrase that please?

  5. The average minority percentage of the 37 Congressional Districts represented by Black congressmen/women is 67 percent. Therefore, the only way for a Black to be elected is to play the victim card in those congressional districts.

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