In a previous post I showed how to calculate PI and made the point that purely mental concepts, like PI, actually do exist.
Also, don’t miss this post where I considered how to use math to measure the earth and the moon – a power once associated with Divinity.
Now I want you to think about PI again for a moment. Back in school I was taught to use 3.14 to approximate PI. If I needed more precision I used 3.1416. But actually PI is what we call an irrational number.
Do you remember doing repeating decimals? You know, where you divide a number out and a pattern forms. For example, you take 1 and divide it by 3. The end result is 0.3333… where the 3 goes on forever repeating. The way they teach you in school to write it down is to write 0.3 and then put a bar over the 3 after the decimal to signify that it just keeps repeating forever. Continue reading