The Choice: Joyful Family

The Very Ordianry Situation

It was bed time and I was tired, but when I got home my husband and children were out on the trampoline having a popsicle.  The first thought I had was to run out there with my star laser and pillow for a star party and maybe even sleep out.  My second thought was something like, “I can’t believe Spencer is keeping the children out so late and giving them sugar before bed.  I better get them in here.” 

My mind started comparing thought number one to thought number two to try to make a decision on what to do. Continue reading

Too Much Play Time?-Solving the Boredom Problem

My two youngest children are best friends and play a lot with each other.  It is so fun to see them enjoy each other.  This summer we have noticed that they are getting a bit too much play lately though. The sun comes up and someone is at our door asking to play.  The children do their chores and run outside.  They would stay there day after day, all day, if I didn’t ever call them in. 

The other day my husband and I noticed some very distracted behaviors.  My six year old was showing off a lot and acting a lot more “crazy” than usual.  He was also trying to be the “funny guy” by popping off. We looked at each other and both knew something needed to change Continue reading

Family TV Watching: Parenting Tip

watching-television1“I came across your ideas on the LDSEHE website, and have been so inspired by all of it.  I’m starting to read your book, hoping to fill in a few holes.  I really like your idea for Friday family movie nights as your one source of TV.  How do you make selections for that night?  Do you have a list of movies you would recommend?” -Grateful Parent

You are right.  We have a family TV watching policy to help our family not get bound by television.  Our policy is that we don’t watch TV unless it is a movie on Friday family movie night.  Olympics and Church General Conference Programs are excluded in this policy.  Continue reading

Mother’s Day Miracle ~My Story

When I was about thirteen years old I was perfectly molded in the opinions of the current society.  I had my life all planned out, and was sure that my plans were socially pleasing to all of my friends.  I was also sure that my plans would ensure that I wouldn’t turn out like my mother, who at the time was a person I didn’t really care about pleasing that much.  You got it, I was a run of the mill, know it all and going to do it better than my parents, teenager.  The only problem was, I didn’t really know what better meant because I was only seeing the popular social perspective.

This was the plan.  I was going to go to college and get a degree in psychology, go on a mission for my church, get married to a really cute guy, and be a career woman.  The picture alloted for a couple of children too, but those weren’t the important thing, the career was.  I was pretty sure I knew that being a mom meant being a victim.  Moms were weak.  They didn’t do anything worth while.  No one seemed to care much about mothers.  They didn’t get Continue reading

Calm In A Hurry? ~ Parenting Help

The opposite of calm is hurry.  If you feel like you have to hurry all the time, then you will never be calm.  Also, if you feel like you have to hurry through your teaching interactions with your children then you will also have a harder time staying calm.  Don’t let your desire for being efficient ruin your ability to be calm.   William Jordan, the great philosopher  said:

The first sermon in the world was preached at the Creation. It was a
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