Taking Offense: Is It Tattling?

 Have you ever been offended?  

It is impossible to go through life without experiencing that hurt which comes from a unkind word, or a questionable glance. When these things happen we are left to wonder and assume what the person really thinks of us and if they intended to offend.

Children especially have a tendency to take offense to small actions and words. A mother asked me this about her daughter who has a problem with being offended.

How do I help my eight year old daughter stop tattling on friends and family members? She takes offense by so many things. And, she seems to want to get other people in trouble to make herself look good. What do I do to stop this?”

The other day I had a group of children over playing at my home. One of our visitors came to me with a very pouty face and tattled on behaviors of two of the other children. The child told me that one person was rude because Continue reading

Taking The Day On! And Loving It!

Life is busy.  I rarely meet a family who isn’t going lots of places and involved in all kinds of worth while persuits.  We all serve in church capacities, community groups, and in our families.  Of course this list doesn’t even mention all the things we do to provide for the needs of our families and to make the world a better place.  Yes, there are lots of things to do.  I am like the rest, I live just about every minute of my life anxiously engaged in goodness. 

I used to worry about not having enough time.  I would often lament to my husband and friends about not having enough time.  However, I have made a consious effort to change that lament, and this is why. Continue reading

Sacrament Meeting Does That.

Source: PreparedNotScared.Blogspot

I remember when I was very small—maybe four or five, sitting on a cushioned chapel bench and staring up into Mama’s face during the Sacrament prayer. Her face looked very serious, and her lips moved in sync with the words the priest spoke. Always. I asked her why she did that. She told me it helped her think about the words that were being spoken. As she sat with her head bowed and eyes closed throughout the passing of the bread and water, I thought about the words she had spoken.

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Parenting Programs: Are There Quick Fixes?


What if I walked out to my back yard in February, and planted a kernel of corn? Then, the same afternoon, went to check on it, and the kernel had not turned into corn on the cob yet? Would I be disappointed? Certainly not. Each time I passed by the little spot where I planted the piece of grain, I would become excited and look forward to each stage of development in the life of the corn plant.

Why then, as parents, do we come home with a kernel of wisdom and expect the full fruit to happen that very day? The answer is simple enough. We care a lot, we have invested a lot, and we are often desperate for a change. We have all felt this desperation in one form or another. This desperation comes from our circumstances and from our love.

When You Want Freedom, You Get Change.

My main goals as a parenting teacher are to help people become free from that desperation, to feel the freedom which comes from Continue reading

My Child Won’t Listen To Me: Parenting Tips


Recently I was part of a large tele-summit for families where I gave a one hour class highlighting many of the parenting principles I teach. Here is a link to the free companion cards I discussed on the call. http://teachingselfgovernment.com/form/free-companion-implementation-cards 

During this summit I had many many questions sent to me and didn’t have time on the call to answer them all, so I am going to answer one of those questions today.


“I have a daughter who frequently rages and manipulates. She is out of control almost as often as she is in control. Continue reading