Republican kangaroo court

in the late 18th century, Jacobins radicalized the French Revolution, successfully destroying political parties to their right. Eventually, radicalism became so pervasive that it led to the Great Terror. Under the Terror, thousands of innocent people were accused of being enemies of the revolution and we’re summarily found guilty by kangaroo courts and guillotined.

Today, Liz Cheney was found guilty of not being radical enough to be in party leadership. Her crime? Telling Donald Trump to stop lying about his election loss.

There was no discussion on whether she was telling the truth or lying. Instead, she would not genuflect to the failed Republican revolution and it’s demigod. “Off with her head!” demanded the revolutionaries.

Mitt Romney was correct in predicting the final outcome. Ask many French, like Lafayette, fled France, we will see many moderate and true conservative Republicans flee the party of Trump, leaving the party smaller and unable to win elections.

Only when a new direction and new leader appeared, did the Terror cease. For France, it was Napoleon. Who will save the Republican party from itself?

Mask craziness

COVID cases and mask compliance

There seems to be some widespread perception among left-wingers and other COVID crazies that freedom-loving Americans refused to wear masks during the COVID pandemic. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, Americans were more than happy to mask up. During the worst of the pandemic (which coincided with the seasonal flu), close to 94 percent of people said they masked up in public locations. This is of course easy to prove anecdotally — when was the last time you went into a store and saw more than one or two people (if that) NOT wearing masks?

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Mother’s Day 2021

I was asked to speak in my ward on Sunday for Mother’s Day. I actually like pubic speaking and enjoy preparing talks. However, this talk was particularly hard to write. All week I felt the pressure to be perfect and to give a perfect talk or risk offending someone in the ward. Throw in some social media drama (not of my making) and I was on my way to a nervous breakdown by Saturday night. I prayed a lot to try and find some peace and I had a break through on what to talk about and how to say it. “Just testify of the gospel and share your testimony for the uplifting of the sisters in your ward who are struggling with heavy burdens.”

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Come Follow Me: D&C 49-50

My blog post on Come Follow Me: D&C 49-50

Excerpt: D&C 49

Joseph Smith’s time was a period of many new churches springing up. The United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing, or Quaking Shakers, as they are known because of the ecstatic behavior during worship, came from England to America in 1774. Their beliefs included: celibacy, revelation, communalism, equality of the sexes, and pacifism. They also believed the 2nd Coming had already occurred, with Jesus returning in the form of Mother Ann Lee, one of the founders of the religion. While in the mid-19th century they had 15 communities, due to celibacy practices and few converts, today they only have one community in Maine.

Leman Copley, a new convert who previously was a Shaker, was called to reject his old beliefs that were not in concert with the revealed truths of the Restored Church. This included the concept that Christ’s 2nd Coming would be one in power and glory, not another person born on the earth. Christ would bring a Millennium across the entire earth, which would last one thousand years; not create a few small congregations.

We see a major difference in the religions in this thing. The Shakers were a good people, but were not missionary-minded. As with the Amish today, they do not seek to convert and change the world, only develop and maintain their own little communities.
Meanwhile, the Lord was teaching Joseph Smith that the Restored Gospel was revolutionary. While beginning small, it would someday fill the earth. Revelations regarding Zion were already providing great insight into the small Church.

Green Flake

In a month, the award-winning movie about Church pioneer Green Flake will premiere for general audiences. Given the change in how films may be consumed in our new COVID-informed world, this premiere will occur via virtual watch parties, with each showing accompanied by live Q&A sessions with those involved in this film.

I obviously haven’t seen the film yet, but I am heartened by the reviews I am seeing from the Los Angeles International Film Festival and top honors from the Venice Film Awards and the London Independent Film Awards.

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