The year is 2025. Joe Biden, barely able to speak, has been in assisted living since 2022. Kamala Harris, who took over for Biden in 2022 after he resigned, is celebrating the 2024 elections. Harris had a 35 percent approval rating in November 2024 but somehow was elected after 15 million absentee and mail-in votes poured into precincts in 15 key states at 3 a.m. the morning after election day.
The unvaccinated for COVID have been forced to wear green armbands since 2022. That was one of the first measures Harris introduced upon taking office. Harris also instituted a new “Health Force” made up of Antifa, BLM and other left-wing activists who are paid a government salary to check the vaccination status of every person they encounter. If somebody does not have proof of vaccination, they are forced to wear the arm band, and if they resist they are beaten up and then sent to new camps for the unvaccinated that have been built near every city. There are reliable reports that more than 50,000 people have been killed in by the “Health Force” goons, but the media does not report these deaths so it is impossible to know for sure. Most of the news in 2025 is a repeat of government press releases and stories about how clean the cities are now that the population is 99 percent vaccinated. (The real number is more like 75 percent, but everybody knows the media stopped reporting facts many years ago).
The unvaccinated live either in the government camps or in special government housing that has been set aside in the poorest part of every U.S. city. It is impossible for the unvaccinated to find jobs since the Biden executive orders announced on Sept. 9, 2021, so most of them work odd jobs or perform illegal services for the vaccinated. It has been really difficult for the privileged vaccinated people to find plumbers, carpenters and electricians in the last few years, so there is a huge demand for illegal unvaccinated workers.
President Harris is excited because she is about to announce a new “vaccine” for the theta variant of SARS-CoV3. In total, there have been 14 rounds of vaccines announced since 2021, and all Americans are required to get all 14 rounds of shots. The VAERS database (the system for reporting adverse reactions to vaccines) was shut down soon after Harris took office in 2022, so it is impossible to know for sure how many people have been negatively affected by the vaccines. The hospital morgues have been overflowing with dead bodies and in many cities the bodies are just left outside in massive piles with tags on their toes. One foreign human rights organization has estimated that more than five million people in the U.S. — and more than 20 million worldwide — have been killed by the vaccines since 2020, but of course that is not reported by the media, and people who are rumored to believe the number are soon visited by the Health Force black shirts. The government claims that every dead body is a victim of one of the COVID variants.