Should you ask more than once?

I should probably start this post out by saying I never had to actually ask the Lord, as in Moroni 10:3-5 whether or not the Book of Mormon is true. I was given a witness of the truth of the entire Church without even asking about the Book of Mormon specifically. Since then, I have gained a greater testimony because of all of the truth I have seen in the Church. So I guess I have never actually prayed to ask whether the Book of Mormon is true — I have never had to.

We had the missionaries over for dinner tonight, Sunday, and they said something that I found interesting: they were told in the MTC that one should ask whether the book is true every time you read it. Continue reading

Will the Church grow in Cuba?

Some of you may know that Cuban dictator Fidel Castro announced on Tuesday that he is stepping down to become simply a “comrade.”

What you may not know is that a small group of Latter-day Saints has been meeting unofficially in Cuba for many years. This U.S. State Department report points out that a small congregation of Latter-day Saints has been meeting for several years and has generally not been harassed.

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Missionary exercise program

When I lived in Brazil, the main thing I noticed about missionaries
is that their weight seemed to change dramatically during their
missions. Of the about 50 missionaries I knew during my four years in
Brazil, I would guess that about 40 of them lost weight (in one case,
an elder lost 120 pounds), five of them gained weight and about five of
them stayed the same.

I was thinking about this the other day because the missionaries in
my area of Miami told me their mission president has scheduled a
half-hour of exercise time for them during their normal morning
routines. What a great idea.

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