The Millennial Star

Can we just admit Keynes was wrong?

I watch Morning Joe as I prepare for work everyday, because I think they cover both sides of the story fairly well.  However, I do not listen to MSNBC’s evening programs because I cannot follow the lack of brains most of their hosts have on the far liberal side.

We’ve spent more money than at any time since WWII on recovering this economy. Liberals are wanting to ignore the problem of deficits and risking destroying our dollar’s global strength, and want to increase our spending for more “stimulus.”  Yet, we’ve seen that while the stimulus we have done has saved 2.4 million jobs (at least in the short term), it did it very inefficiently. It cost $278,000 for each of those jobs!  Had we cut checks for $50,000, we could have taken care of 5 times as many people and still saved tens of billions of dollars.

Retirees love Medicare.  And it works well for them. However, it also wastes hundreds of billions of dollars every year.  Federal government is inefficient. For every inefficient dollar it wastes, it has taken a dollar out of the economy that small and big businesses could have used to create real and efficient growth.

Amazingly, Morning Joe had all liberals on their program this morning, and several insisted that we needed to return to Keynesian economics to save the economy.  Are they serious? Doesn’t the current numbers show that the money government “invests” is inefficient, wasteful, and altogether short term in its value?  While there was lots of stimulus going into the system, jobs were temporarily created.  Now that the stimulus is mostly used up, we return to reality.  All we are doing is extending the recession.  We are not allowing the economy to reset, and so allow a real growth to occur afterward. That is why we are again at 9.2% unemployment with anemic numbers again.

We are following in the footsteps of the Japanese during the 1990s. It won’t work.

It is time to let freedom work.  Get the feds out of the environmental regulations, business regulations, education, etc.  We are allowing the feds to bring our economy down. It is time to stop and return to freedom.

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