The Millennial Star

BYU announces no racist shouts at volleyball game after lengthy investigation

BYU exhaustively investigated the alleged racist comments at a two-week-old volleyball match and could find no evidence that the slurs took place.

Remember, the claim was that racial slurs were shouted “throughout the entirety of the match.” There was no evidence that even one racial slur ever took place.

The result is certain to disappoint race hustlers, progressive Church members and ex-Mormons, who could never have imagined a more perfect scenario than a black female volleyball player coming to BYU and claiming constant racism. Unfortunately for these charlatans, BYU fans are just like most Church members, ie, good people who leave the racist slurs to MSNBC commentators. Meanwhile, Duke is continuing its history as the school of woke hoaxes.

From the BYU statement on its investigation:

We reviewed all available video and audio recordings, including security footage and raw footage from all camera angles taken by BYUtv of the match, with broadcasting audio removed (to ensure that the noise from the stands could be heard more clearly). We also reached out to more than 50 individuals who attended the event: Duke athletic department personnel and student-athletes, BYU athletic department personnel and student-athletes, event security and management and fans who were in the arena that evening, including many of the fans in the on-court student section.

From our extensive review, we have not found any evidence to corroborate the allegation that fans engaged in racial heckling or uttered racial slurs at the event. As we stated earlier, we would not tolerate any conduct that would make a student-athlete feel unsafe. That is the reason for our immediate response and our thorough investigation. 

Well-meaning and reasonable people knew this was probably the case right after the allegation was made. It is simply not likely that fans at BYU would scream racial epithets “throughout the entirety of the match” without school security and other fans doing something about it.

Sorry progmos, race hustlers and exmos! Sucks to be you.

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