Has been very, very weak so far. Despite still being on of the best shows on TV.
Look – it started off strong. I still think the parallels to the Iraq situation many saw in the first few episodes were strained, to say the least. However, I have to admit that the first few episodes kept me on the edge of my seat. They were tense and pretty darned epic too.
But on reflection, they don’t hold up very well. And after the last (extremely weak) episode, I’m wondering if the creators are even thinking about the future of the show, or have succumbed to the idea of their brave topicality.
Here’s my main problems with the season so far:
1. Suicide bombers make no sense. No, not because of the supposed parallels with Iraq. Because Cylons can’t die, but humans can. In this series, there are only so many humans, yet Cylons can download into new bodies at the drop of a hat. Why on earth would the humans resort to suicide bombings that, in the end, only kill off other humans?
Basically, the humans will lose by attrition, since the Cylons don’t have a war weary voter base back on the home planet demanding immediate withdrawal. Instead, the Cylons were more likely to nuke the place than leave. Suicide bombings have no real affect on the war, and does only makes the Cylons job easier.
2. The secret council of Six: While I enjoyed the twist that the council was authorized by the President, rather than being a demented vigilante group – didn’t Tyrol or anyone else on the committee realize that Tyrol had somewhat recently killed a human to save a Cylon’s life? Why was he on the council, rather than being judged by it?
3. The last episode: Weak, weak, weak. There is no guarantee their plan will actually work (what if the Cylons just decide to blow up the infected Resurrection ship out of range of other Resurrection ships?), yet everyone is convinced it will work at 100% efficiency. Adama seems willing to sacrafice the entire human race to prove how morally superior he is. Also – Adama won’t investigate? It was obvious to Roslin that Helo was responsible – it shouldn’t be hard for the rest of the crew to figure out as well. If Helo isn’t targeted for some retribution, than the writer’s aren’t doing their job.
I still think it’s one of the best shows on TV, but the writers have been seriously slipshod on thinking things through this season.