About J. Max Wilson

J. Max Wilson is one of the founders of the Millennial Star. You read more of his thoughts about Mormonism and other topics on his personal blog: http://www.sixteensmallstones.org.

Conversion at an Early Age

One of the interesting results of Rusty’s recent bloggernacle survey is that 63% of respondents said that they either always had a testimony or that they gained a testimony before the age of 18.

12% always had a testimony
16.7% before the age of 12
34.3% between the ages of 13-18.

I think that some people have a tendency to doubt that true, deep conversion happens at such young ages and so I am interested in hearing the conversion experiences of those of you who gained testimonies while young.

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The M* Bloggersnacker Details

Attention all M* readers–commentators and silent lurkers:

As previously mentioned,

You, your family, and your fiends are invited to The Millennial Star Bloggersnacker, this Friday, August 12th, at 7:00pm at Rock Canyon Park in Provo, Utah. The Park is located a few blocks north-east of the Provo Temple, right up against the foothills.

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