Friday Forum: John 12:35-36 “Ye May Be the Children of Light”
In the Fall of 2008, Dr. S, a nephrologist (kidney) expert, at Vanderbilt University Hospital sat staring at his computer screen. Dr. S looked me briefly and then turned his attention back to the computer screen. He spoke slowly with conviction, “In my line of work, miracles are rare. Both your kidneys have a fair amount of amyloid deposits. In every case, I have seen the amyloids go straight for the valves. In a few short months, amyloids usually kill a healthy kidney. In your case, the amyloids have settled as far from the valves as they could get. Will they migrate to the valves? Most likely, but for today, God has sent you a miracle and I have witnessed it.
discuss: John 12:46
I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
Jie Jie and I ( Jie Jie is the girl in the middle, with glasses, my dark head is leaning over her), lighting our family’s menorah at the messanic synagogue last year.
Tonight at sundown, the Benson household will begin the “Eights Days of Hanukkah” celebration.
In Colonial America, the Converso/Crypto Sephardic Jews, finally felt safely out of the reach of the terrifying clutches of the Inquisition. They were free to practice what vestiges they had left of their religion. Many parents sought to give their children names which reflected their true heritage. If you read no more of this post, what you can take from this introductory paragraph is; if you have an Uncle ALONZO, who is not Hispanic, and/or your last name is PERRY, you are most likely a descendant of the Sephardic Jews. In order for me to teach you what to look for in your genealogy, I will show you examples in my own genealogy and perhaps you might even recognize them as your own.
For Twilight fans/or not. Enjoy.
Twilight Years from Tom on Vimeo.