A thought from C.S. Lewis

“In the earlier history of every rebellion there is a stage at which you do not yet attack the King in person. You say, ‘The King is all right. It is his Ministers who are wrong. They misrepresent him and corrupt all his plans –which, I’m sure, are good plans if only the Ministers would let them take effect.’ And the first victory consists in beheading a few Ministers: only at a later stage do you go on and behead the King himself.”

-C.S. Lewis

I leave the application of this quote as an exercise to our readers.

Efficiency Disease & Dealing With Stress

REMEMBER-1What is Efficiency?

At this time of year we set goals. We resolve to change our ways and become better than we are. The most common resolutions usually have something to do with time or body size. I don’t know how many times I have resolved to get up earlier, or get up earlier to regularly exercise. Likewise, I don’t know how many mothers I have heard say things like, “This year we are going to be more efficient at bedtime.” or “This year I will be more efficient at dinner time.” Then these parents produce a list of things they are going to do at home to make life better. Continue reading

Educational Christmas Advent for Children

NativtyThis year our family is doing a new educational Christmas Advent for the 12 days of Christmas.  This advent idea was given to me by my good friend, Yvonne Averett.  She has two girls ages 9 and 11, and made it for them.  They are a homeschool family, and this is one of the ways that they are inviting the Christmas Spirit and Christ into their homeschool this year.  I know not everyone who reads my blog is a Christian, but I am and loved this idea.  So, I thought I would pass it along.  I am always up for family learning and good homeschool ideas. Continue reading

Home Made Chrsitmas Gifts for Kids

CarMat1Over the years we have had a variety of Christmases. Some years we have had more money than other years, but no matter the income we have always felt like we wanted to give our children something which would encourage them to be creative. To create stories.

Stories are the bud of genius. They are the spring of inspiration. A good story told by a loving parent or grandparent has the ability to change the heart of a young person forever. Continue reading

Children Need Sleep!~Getting Them To Bed Happy

When the end of the day comes I find myself looking forward to bedtime. My bedtime is always exciting to anticipate since all my days are usually purpose-filled and very busy. However, I also look forward to the time the children go to bed each night. I love my children, and our days are filled with joy and laughter, but that quiet time after they have gone to bed, and before I go to bed is a great treat too. The quiet times to think, ponder, write and read are some of the treasured moments of my days as well.

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