About Geoff B.

Geoff B graduated from Stanford University (class of 1985) and worked in journalism for several years until about 1992, when he took up his second career in telecommunications sales. He has held many callings in the Church, but his favorite calling is father and husband. Geoff is active in martial arts and loves hiking and skiing. Geoff has five children and lives in Colorado.

The coming population bust

A growing number of media sources are beginning to note that the world is no longer in danger of overpopulation. Instead, the trends show the primary danger is the opposite: too few babies.

Check out this story:

In Japan, people buy more diapers for the elderly than babies. China, which long enforced a one-child policy, recently raised its child limit to three; the nation expects its population to peak and then decline in 2030. And the population growth rate in the U.S. is at historic lows, reminiscent of the Great Depression era.

A new study published in npj Urban Sustainability explores the future of underpopulation and how it’s likely to affect sustainability goals. Using demographic data from United Nations reports, the study argues that the underpopulation problem is dynamic and twofold: Populations are simultaneously shrinking and ageing.

“Globally, people above 65 years old are the fastest-growing segments of the population and in 2019, for the first time in human history, they outnumbered children younger than 5 years old,” the researchers wrote. “In 2020, 9% of the global population was above 65 years old, accounting for 728 million people. This population is projected to increase more than twofold, reaching 1.55 billion in 2050 and accounting to 16% of global population, at medium fertility rates.”

Or how about this from the New York Times:

All over the world, countries are confronting population stagnation and a fertility bust, a dizzying reversal unmatched in human history that will make first birthday parties a rarer sight than funerals, and empty homes a common eyesore.

Maternity wards are shutting down in Italy. Ghost cities are appearing in northeastern China. Universities in South Korea cannot find enough students, and in Germany, hundreds of thousands of properties are being razed, with the land turned into parks.

Like an avalanche, the demographic forces — pushing toward more deaths than births — seems to be expanding and accelerating. Although some countries continue to see their populations grow, especially in Africa, fertility rates are falling nearly everywhere else. Demographers now predict that by the latter half of the century or possibly earlier, the global population will enter a sustained decline for the first time.

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Going back to the temple

Our local temple in Fort Collins, Colorado will be open for appointment-only baptisms this month for the first time in 16 months or so. As soon as I got the email, I immediately signed up, and dozens of others had already made their appointments. I imagine there will be pent up demand to return to the temple for months, if not years.

I will be heading there in two weeks with my wife and two teenage sons. I can’t wait. I find myself thinking about it all of the time — when I first wake up I remind myself I will be able to go back to the temple again soon.

Sometimes we don’t realize the blessings of the restored gospel until we are reminded how important the ordinances and rituals really are. I find that the temple glow lasts several days after i go to the temple, and I am a calmer and happier person.

And, yes, we will be wearing masks to the temple, even though it may be one of the last places in northern Colorado where a mask is needed these days.

LDS Congressman Burgess Owens warns about critical race theory

I encourage readers to watch carefully this interview with Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT) on the dangers of critical race theory:


Let me highlight a few quotations:

“I’ve seen this before,” Owens said. “I grew up in the deep south, in Tallahassee, Florida, in the days of the KKK, Jim Crow segregation, and the evil of hard bigotry; that was low expectations that I grew up around.”

He recalled, when the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights leaders protested, they wore white shirts, dark ties, and suits.

That is because they were overcoming the narrative “of the hard, hard Democratic left of that time” that “Blacks were not smart, they weren’t intelligent, they weren’t educated; they weren’t able to control themselves,” Owens told host Heather Childers. “Those negative narratives were part of the process of trying to put my race down.”

And critical race theory, or the idea racism is something that is embedded in legal systems and policies and is not the product of individual biases or prejudices, is more of the “same thing,” said Owens, because it “lowers this expectation for everybody.”

“This is a very evil process,” he added.

And the curriculum is taught by “bullies and cowards who hide behind labor unions,” Owens continued. “They hide behind school boards so no one knows what they’re doing.”

But over the past year, Owens said, parents started to recognize what was going on because their children were learning from home, and they realized “our children are under attack.”

Owens said his bill says critical race theory cannot be taught on the federal level, but still, states must take it on themselves to “make sure they’re doing things on the local level that they need to do to make the changes.”

“We are under attack and is the absolute opposite of the American way,” Owens said. “They’re teaching us not what I was going up with: The love of God, love of country, family, respect for women, and authority. They’re telling us to hate everything that I just mentioned. So, I’m thankful for parents across this country.”

Owens has introduced federal legislation to ban the teaching of critical race theory on a federal level.

To read the inspiring story of Owens’ conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please read this story.

To read more about the evil of critical race theory and other left-wing narratives, please read this post.

To read more on what the prophet has said about the evils of racism, please read more here.

What can we do to prevent attacks on liberty?

A commenter asks an excellent question: what can we do about the many attacks on liberty from the unscientific promoters of lockdowns and mandates over the last 14 months? Billions of people worldwide haver suffered during these times because of these assaults on liberty. What can we do about it now and what can we do about preventing these attacks in the future?

Each person has to decide for him or herself what to do. The reality is that if you take a strong stand on issues like these you will get endless abuse from “friends” and family members and co-workers, among others. You will be unpopular with all kinds of people, so you must accept that from the beginning. Here are my suggestions.

1)Believe in the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and modern-day prophets. Jesus will eventually come and heal all wounds, and modern-day prophets will guide us through difficult times. I cannot over-emphasize how much peace I got from April General Conference and the messages from prophets at conference.

2)Know that standing up for other peoples’ liberty is always the right thing to do, even if many of them will not appreciate it at the time. I have been against the lockdowns and the mandates from the beginning, and this made me extremely unpopular with many people, including “friends” and family and co-workers, but in the last few weeks several people have come back to me to sheepishly admit I was right from the beginning. You will always be on the right side if you stand up for liberty.

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Take the COVID quiz and see if you can tell which countries and states fared the best under mandates and lockdowns

I am happy to report that we are emerging from one of the most tyrannical periods in human history, a period when governments worldwide restricted freedom in the name of devotion to the false gods of scientism.

Disagree with the above statement? Prove me wrong by taking the attached quiz. If you believe lockdowns and mask mandates made a difference, it should be obvious from the data, right?

Well, as you will see, there is absolutely no correlation — none whatsoever — between lockdowns and mask mandates and better results against SARS-Cov-2.

Here’s another link for the quiz.