The Millennial Star

Are You Ready for Conference?

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Snacks? Notepad? Pencil? Remote Control? Selfies of your feet watching General Conference? Or perhaps you get dressed up and watch at your meetinghouse? Do you have friends and family over to watch? Activities for the kids ready? But, are you ready for General Conference?

Over at Middle-aged Mormon Man’s blog, he suggested we use General Conference as the kick-off to the 4th Quarter (of the year) to reset the goals we made back in January. He suggested doing these things:

1) Watch all of Conference this weekend.
2) Figure out what you NEED to accomplish before the year is out.
3) Make sure the Lord is onboard with your plans.
4) Write it down!
5) Tell someone that is important to you what you plan to do.
6) Get it done.

I thought those were great suggestions, and I think I’m going to accept the challenge, to reset myself for the 4th Quarter of 2015.

I’m also very excited and full of anticipation with the possibility of having three new members of the Quorum of the 12 called. A few weeks ago I taught Gospel Doctrine in my ward. Part of the lesson focused on the story of Lydia, in Acts 16: 14-15, “And [there was] a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened…” Lydia has been on my mind since then. Her heart was opened to the gospel. She and all of her house were converted and baptized when they heard the Gospel preached by Paul and Silas. I want so much to be like her and have an open heart, especially this weekend, as we hear the Gospel preached. I’ll add my own, seventh point, to MMM’s list, “Have an open heart, and be willing to receive whatever the Lord has in store for me.” I invite you to do the same.

Click HERE for more information on all of the viewing options for General Conference.

Conference will start Saturday, October 3rd, at 10am MDT. Here on The Millennial Star we will have summaries of the sessions. We look forward to hearing our Church leaders, and talking about the Conference with you.

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