The Millennial Star

A season for giving

One of my biggest dislikes about December is the busyness of Christmas shopping, parties and the stress associated with year-end activities at work. Today, thankfully, I had the opportunity to take a break from the stress of Christmas and take a brief moment to remember the reason for the season.

Each Christmas I resolve to do more to help those in need, but somehow miss out on opportunities to give and serve those who are less fortunate than me. Fortunately, this year, I had the perfect opportunity.

When my company announced cuts in various programs, including “team days” where employees enjoy half-day away from work enjoying a team lunch and activity paid for by the company, my manager came up with a wonderful idea on how we could still enjoy a team lunch and activity outside of work–giving to those who can’t afford to give presents to their families.

Each member of my team donated the amount company would normally spend on lunch and purchased Christmas gifts for families who need assistance. The local Ikea sponsored the Tempe Community Action “Toy Shoppe”, which allowed parents to pick-out several toys for their children.

What a thrill it was to spend a few hours helping these parents “shop” for their children.

The parents were able to pick out one “large”, one “medium”, a few “small” presents, stocking stuffers and some small clothing items for their children. As I helped the parents pick out presents, I could just imagine the look on their children’s faces on Christmas morning. In that moment, the stress of Christmas seemed to melt away as I remembered the true reason for the season–celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

If you feel overwhelmed this Christmas season, take a moment to help someone, give a gift, share a kind word and remember the reason for the season.

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