A Black Badge of Mourning

Officer Anthony Jon Holly

When a police officer dies in the line of duty, it is customary for other officers in the region to place a black band of mourning over their police shields as a sign of respect. Officers traditionally wear this black band from the time of the officer’s death, until midnight the night of the funeral.

Yesterday, at midnight, the time to wear the black band of mourning ended, just hours after Glendale Police Officer Anthony Holly was laid to rest.

I did not know Officer Holly personally, though I associate with many officers who I believe are like him.

Officer Holly had a keen sense of humor and the ability to make his co-workers laugh and smile–a difficult task, to say the least, when dealing with crusty, old cops.

A man with prior convictions for aggravated assault on a police officer sits in jail, held in the murder of Officer Holly.

24 years young, Office Holly leaves behind his parents, four brothers, a sister and his girlfriend.

Please remember Officer Holly’s family, friends and co-workers in your prayers.

The Officer Down Memorial Page Remembers Officer John Holly

2 thoughts on “A Black Badge of Mourning

  1. Thank you for posting this. My husband is going through the process to start the academy either here in El Paso or in Mesa (depends on my job transfer). While I worry about what he will be doing, I am excited to see him out there protecting the community. Police officers deserve much more respect than most people give them and I’m always glad to see them stand up for their own.

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