General Conference: Priesthood session

186th Annual General Conference:

Choir: Logan Utah Institute choir

President Uchtdorf conducts
Pres. Monson presides

Hymn: “In Hymns of Praise.”

Choir: “I stand All Amazed.”

Elder Nelson

Divine role as men of God. Talks about a family with three children with congenital heart disease. One son died. He also tried to save the other two, who were sisters. (Elder Nelson was a heart surgeon). Both girls died following operations. The parents were spiritually shattered. They had lingering resentment toward Elder Nelson and the Church. Has been haunted by the situation for almost six decades. He tried to contact them, no success. Last May he was awakened by the two little girls. Felt their presence. Their message was brief and clear: “Brother Nelson, we are not sealed to anyone, can you help us?” Their mother had passed away, father and a younger brother still alive.

Tried to contact the father, living with the son Shawn. Willing to meet. In June, I knelt in front of Jimmy, now 88 years old. I spoke of his daughters’ pleadings, and would help with the sealings. The father and son were not endowed, each accepted the offer to become ready to go to the temple. Elder Nelson was overjoyed. The Spirit of the Lord was palpable throughout that meeting. They worked diligently with local leaders. In Payson, Utah temple, had the profound privilege to seal the husband and wife and four children. Many hearts were healed that day. Father and son had become heroes to him. They had courage, strength and humility, let go of old hurts and habits, willing to submit to guidance from priesthood leaders.

Bear the priesthood. Very same power and authority through which God created the heavens and the Earth.

Some people have the priesthood but not the priesthood power. Need to access the powers of heaven. Sin and misdeeds can decrease the power of the priesthood. Too many have surrendered their agency to the adversary. Some people wanted power over others, power at work, rather than the power of God.

Why settle for Esau’s pottage when can have all of the blessings of Abraham? Live up to privileges as bearers of the priesthood. Only those who stake the priesthood seriously will be able to bring miracles to those he loves, and keep his marriage and family safe.

Qualities we should seek: faith, etc. Don’t forget humility. How would our family members, co-workers say you and I are doing in developing our gifts of the priesthood?

We need to pray for priesthood power. We need to commune with God. Pray to know how to get more priesthood power. If you want to see your wife’s heart melt, let her find you studying the doctrine of Christ. Are you willing to go to the temple regularly? Ask Him to teach you about priesthood keys and authority and power.

Pres. Monson has used the priesthood power to help others. If you truly want priesthood power, you will cherish your wife, embracing both her and her counsel.

Please consider how different our relationships would be if we had priesthood power top of mind. Lord will show us how to increase access to His power. Priesthood power can heal the fractures in the hearts of those we love. Are we willing to study and pray so we can have that priesthood power.

Think of the father and brother who were willing to get ready to go to the temple to be sealed to their family.

Stephen W. Owen, Young Men General President

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General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session

General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session

Presiding: Pres Monson
Conducting: Pres Eyring
Choir: BYU-Idaho

Hymn: Sing Praise to Him

Pres Uchtdorf presents leaders for sustaining vote. Many Area 70s released and sustained.
Primary presidency released. Sustained as new Primary presidency: Pres Joy D Jones, 1C Jean Beham, 2C Cordon.
Annual reports for finances and statistics. Continue reading

General Conference: Saturday Morning Session

General Conference: Saturday morning session

Presiding: Pres Monson
Conducting: Pres Uchtdorf

Hymn: Come Ye Children of the Lord
Prayer: Sister Linda K. Burton, General Relief Society President
Hymn: I Feel My Savior’s Love

Pres Eyring
We are under covenant to remember and serve Christ. We gather together in His name. Even with millions of disciples, he is close to each of us and in our midst, by the power of His Spirit. Call upon Christ while he is near. Seek him diligently and you will find him.

Received 2 letters from converts, who had a strong testimony. However, both were now struggling to feel God’s love. Parable of the Sower, many grow, but then wither. All of us have much in common with those who wrote, that we all have seeds to nurture. All have had faith tested, by attacks from those wishing to destroy our faith, delayed answers/blessings, sorrow, etc. Some do not see the withering of their faith. Satan is clever, and attempts to have us believe our testimonies were just delusion.

The talks and hymns of this Conference will hopefully bless us with a more fertile ground, where the word of God can grow and be fruitful. As we join in prayer, we can grow closer to Him. D&C 50 preach and receive by the Spirit of God, any other way is not of God.

Pray while listening to hymns and speakers, and the Spirit can lift our hearts and strengthen us. Listen carefully to the testimonies given in this Conference, as they convey the Spirit of the Lord. “I leave my sure witness” that God loves everyone, Jesus is the Son of God. “The prophets and apostles you will hear in the Conference speak for the Lord.” Continue reading